
  • 网络News Photograph;news photo
  1. 论新闻照片现象真实与本质真实的统一

    A Study of Unity of Phenomenon Truth and Essential Truth to News Photograph

  2. 首先,新闻照片应做到现象真实;

    Firstly , news photograph should be phenomenon truth ;

  3. 欧洲新闻照片联合会中国左翼新闻记者联盟

    European Press Photo Union The Federation of Chinese Left Wing Journalists

  4. 新闻照片中的战争图景

    The Picture of the War in News Photos

  5. 新闻照片的真实是现象真实和本质真实的统一。

    The truth of news photograph is unity of phenomenon truth and essential truth .

  6. 街头新闻照片流动展。1940年摄。

    Exhibiting news snapshots on the street .

  7. 在那寂静的一瞬间,我意识到这将是一张能让我获奖的新闻照片。

    In that hushed moment I recognized the makings of a prize winning news photograph .

  8. 欧洲新闻照片联合会

    European Press Photo Union

  9. 他偶尔用了新闻照片的时间主要在杂志,电影一科尔多瓦和画室。

    He sporadically devotes time to photo journalism , mainly in the magazines , Film a doba and Ateli é r.

  10. 只有亲自猎取一张虎皮并为此大发一通新闻照片,才能成功地抵销那种事的影响。

    Only a personally procured tiger-skin and a heavy harvest of Press photographs could successfully counter that sort of thing .

  11. 新闻照片中呈现的是世界上最有竞争力的运动员,他们彼此之间表现出了温柔和温暖。

    In news photos , the world 's most competitive athletes appear , showing gentleness and warmth to one another .

  12. 许多中国人尤其为一张广泛发表的新闻照片所感动,照片中救援队全体列队,向从废墟中寻回的一具尸体鞠躬默哀。

    Many Chinese were particularly touched by a widely published news photograph of a rescue team bowing in silent prayer to a corpse they had retrieved from the rubble .

  13. 沃思漫长的一生从来没有出过书或办过展览,留下的只是大量的不惜冒一切风险拍到的新闻照片。

    Worth 's long life generated no books or exhibitions , just a phenomenal quantity of press shots for which he was prepared to take almost any risks to obtain .

  14. 通过对一组新闻照片符号学分析,可以看到这些新闻照片建构出了纯粹而完美的救赎神话和胜利图景,其主要的技巧有三:1,是运用了象征、隐喻、转喻等视觉修辞手法;

    By the semiotic analysis of a set of news photos , we can find that these photos construct pure and perfect myths about help and victory . These myths are constructed by tactics as follows : 1 , visual rhetoric include symbol 、 metaphor and metonymy etc.

  15. 我主要负责撰写新闻故事照片的说明文字,也搞特写报道,并编辑低年级学生写的文章。

    In addition to writing feature articles , I was responsible for writing captions for many of our news story photos as well as editing the work of junior members .

  16. 该浏览器还创建了一个特殊的名为MyWorld的个人网页,其中整合了你的社交网络更新信息、新闻源和照片。

    And it creates a special personal Web page , called My World , which combines your social-networking updates , news feeds and photos .

  17. 家庭新闻或者节日照片能够在社交媒体平台上分享。

    Family news or holiday snaps can be shared on social media platforms .

  18. 有关媒体的网页将刊登支持2005年世界卫生日的各种言论以及新闻稿、照片和录像。

    The press page profiles various statements in support of World Health Day2005 , as well as press releases and photo and audiovisual galleries .

  19. 在这种公民新闻的美联社照片看着收购人在上海的中心城区的公寓楼在周一二零一零年十一月十五日烧伤。

    In this citizen journalism photo acquired by the Associated Press people watch as an apartment building burns in the downtown area of Shanghai on Monday Nov.15,2010 .

  20. 尽管这张照片之前被公开过,但出于对首相先生的尊重,当时提供照片的新闻社对照片中布莱尔的手势进行了数位技术处理。

    Although the photo has been published before , Mr Blair 's hand gesture was digitally removed from it by the press agency which supplied it , out of respect for the Prime Minister .

  21. 英国新闻报道称,照片上的女孩并不是玛德琳,而是一名摩洛哥村民的女儿。

    British news reports say the photo is not Madeleine but the daughter of a Moroccan villager .

  22. A:凯西,新闻资料袋的照片准备得怎么样了?

    A : So , Casey , how are things going with the photos for the press kit ?

  23. 日本新闻媒体拍摄的照片和视频,显示了一辆面包车,该辆被指为吾大敬二所有,车的挡风玻璃被撞碎。

    Photographs and video taken by the Japanese news media showed what they said was the van driven by Mr. Go'o , with a smashed windshield .

  24. 该博物馆将这幅图像分发给各新闻机构,称照片来自美国陆军,1945年时美国空军也由陆军负责。

    The museum distributes the image to news agencies that give the photograph 's original source as the United States Army , which in 1945 ran the Air Force .

  25. 在《夏威夷今日新闻》发布的照片中,可以看到普恩特斯正试图爬上飞机羽翼,另一张照片展现了其他乘客抓住飞机残骸以免下沉的场景。

    In images released to Hawaii News Now , Puentes is seen clinging onto a wing of the aircraft . Another image shows other passengers holding on to plane debris to stay afloat .

  26. 另外一个例子可能以一个Web站点(例如CNN之类的新闻站点)作为输入,并在新闻中通过照片匹配而将照片中的内容以文字的形式呈现出来。

    Yet another example might take as input a Web site ( such as a news site like CNN ) and render the text in photos by matching tagged photos to words from the news .

  27. 第三节新闻摄影初步发展阶段,即1912年至1927年之前,画报出现并大量刊登新闻照片,印刷质量较好且时效性、重要性等新闻价值较为突出。

    In the third chapter , that is the initial development stage from 1912 to 1927 , the paper pointed out that pictorials popped up and began to publish news photos .