
  • 网络Reuters News
  1. 路透社新闻机构报道了大量人员被铺。

    Reuters news agency reported large numbers of arrests .

  2. 路透社新闻机构将其描述为前叛军的抢劫。

    Reuters news agency describes them as " marauding former rebel fighters . "

  3. 同时,一名在星期天向路透社新闻机构打电话请求营救他们的人质被她在韩国的姐姐认出,她是现年39岁的YuJon-hua,是一名英语老师。

    Meantime one of the hostages that made a phone call to Reuter 's new agency to plead for their release was identified on Sunday by her sister in Korea as thirty-nine year old Yu Jon-hua , an English teacher .

  4. 他星期四告诉路透社新闻局,泰国有充足的供应,可满足国内及出口的需求。

    He told the Reuters news agency Thursday that Thailand has enough supplies to meet demand at home and for export .

  5. 一切尚好,一个蒙面的塔利班发言人告诉路透社新闻机构,他们的武装团体将“坚持到最后时刻”。

    All is well , a propertied Taliban spokesman has told the Reuters news agency the insurgent group will quote " Resist till the last gasp " .

  6. 纽约路透社新闻研究报道:慢性下颌疼痛患者学习如何处理机体对疼痛和应激的反应将对他们的自身疾病有帮助。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - People who suffer from chronic jaw pain may be able to help themselves by learning how to manage the body 's response to pain and stress , new research suggests .

  7. Bryant对该结果进行评论,他告诉路透社健康新闻记者,“重组生长激素治疗包括每周注射六到七次,持续数年。”

    Commenting on the findings , Bryant told Reuters Health that " recombinant growth hormone treatment involves injections six to seven times per week for several years . "

  8. Bonderup博士向路透社健康新闻表示,“这项研究还显示,布地奈德对这种疾病的维持治疗是有效的。”

    Bonderup told Reuters Health . " In this study it was also shown that budesonide is effective in maintenance treatment of the disease . "

  9. Holditch-Davis在一次电话采访中告诉路透社健康新闻记者,用糖水加拥抱来减轻新生儿疼痛是非常传统有效的安抚方法。

    The sugar and hug technique of pain control " is a very conservative and reasonable " method for comforting newborns , she told Reuters Health in a telephone interview .

  10. 路透社提供新闻时不浪费一点时间。

    Reuter never waste a moment in providing the news .

  11. 今天,几乎世界上所有主要新闻机构都从路透社订阅新闻。

    Today , almost every major news outlet in the world subscribes to Reuters .

  12. 不过,巴特纳在电子邮件中仍释然地告诉路透社健康新闻专栏记者,就目前的研究情况来看,并未找到铅中毒的相关证据。

    In the current study , Buettner was reassured to find " no evidence of lead toxicity ," she told Reuters Health in an email .

  13. 纽约(路透社健康新闻专栏)-新的研究表明,一些草药可能提高女性的血铅水平。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Some herbal supplements may boost the levels of lead in the blood of women , new research shows .

  14. 纽约(路透社健康新闻)12月28日消息:孕期X光检查总的说来并不增加儿童脑瘤风险,一个来自瑞士的研究小组报道说。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) Dec28-Prenatal exposure to diagnostic X-rays does not increase the overall risk of childhood brain tumors , a Swedish research team reports .

  15. 纽约报道(路透社健康新闻)根据瑞典科学家的研究:被动吸烟的孕妇可能具有更高的流产风险性。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Pregnant women who are exposed to second-hand smoke may be at heightened risk for suffering miscarriages , according to research from Sweden .

  16. 纽约(路透社健康新闻)-一项新研究称,婴儿时期被动吸烟的儿童患某些过敏的可能性更大。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Young children who were exposed to cigarette smoke as babies may be more likely to suffer certain allergies , a new study suggests .

  17. 纽约(路透社健康新闻部)&发表在《国际癌症杂志》上的一项研究结果显示,饮食中的钙含量与前列腺癌患病风险具有相关性。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - The results of a study published in the International Journal of Cancer indicate there is an association between dietary calcium and the risk of prostate cancer .

  18. 路透社健康新闻纽约报道,根据一项新的研究显示,使用锂盐来治疗那些患有复发性重型抑郁症的人,可以降低他们犯罪或自杀的风险。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - In people suffering from recurrent major depressive disorder , treatment with lithium reduces the risk that they 'll commit or attempt suicide , according to a new study .

  19. 我们会视、路透社、有线新闻网或者其他伙伴的特别报道啊?

    Will I have interesting features from APTN , Reuters , CNN or other partners ?

  20. 最初路透社只办商业新闻。

    At first Reuters dealt with , commercial new .

  21. 《中国日报》与《路透社》网络英语新闻文体特征比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Stylistic Features between English Online News Reports in China Daily and Reuters

  22. 在路透社的一篇新闻中报道说,与此同时,缅甸的问题进一步加剧了整个地区的疟疾和结核病的耐药性。

    Meanwhile , problems in Myanmar are fuelling drug resistance in malaria , as well as tuberculosis , across the region , writes Ed Cropley for Reuters .