
gǎo yuē
  • notice to contributors
稿约 [gǎo yuē]
  • [notice to contributors] 征稿告白,一般写成条文,登载在刊物上

稿约[gǎo yuē]
  1. 关于期刊稿约中的几个法律问题

    Some Legal Problems of the Periodical Notice to Contributors

  2. 学术期刊稿约的法律责任分析

    Analysis on Notice to Contributors of Academic Periodicals from the Point of Law

  3. 当前医学学术期刊稿约应重视的几个问题

    Some matters deserving attention in instruction for authors for medical journals

  4. 这并不是一位代理人或编辑打来电话,主动要求与我签大的稿约。

    It wasn 't an agent or editor offering a big contract .

  5. 广东省科技期刊稿约现状调查与分析广东科技投入存在的问题、原因及对策

    Problems , Causes and Countermeasures of Investment in Science and Technology in Guangdong

  6. 《自然科学史研究》稿约

    Studies in history of natural science call for papers

  7. 《中国医院》稿约中国公立医院社会功能相关政策的演变

    The trends of health policy on the social function of public hospital in China

  8. 《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志稿约

    Nerve Regeneration Research Notice to Contributors

  9. 岭南现代临床外科稿约

    Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery

  10. 可信度水平:预测类I级,可信度水平的具体描述见稿约。

    Level of Evidence : Prognostic Level I.See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence .

  11. 《稿约》会指出要求列出多少个关键词,甚至提供可供参考的关键词清单。

    The instructions for authors will state how many keywords are required and may even provide a list of recommended keywords .

  12. 不同期刊对摘要的撰写要求有所不同,因此应参照目标杂志的《稿约》了解具体要求。

    Requirements for abstracts differ among journals , so the target journal 's instructions for authors should be consulted for specific details .

  13. 认为目前我国高校学报《稿约》缺乏必要的规范性,在学科要求、征稿范围、稿件格式、投稿方式、作者文德和稿件收费等方面存在着一些问题。

    There are problems in subject requirements , scope of soliciting contributions , contribution forms , contribution approaches , contribution morality , and contribution fees .

  14. 期刊社不能利用自己的优势地位,用稿约条款对作者权利作不合理的限制。

    The editorial department should not utilize its advantageous status to restrict the rights of authors with the terms in the periodical notice to contributors .

  15. 但是,稿约内容应当符合法律规定,也应当体现期刊与作者之间的权利平衡;

    The contents of periodical notice to contributors should conform to the legal regulations and reflect the balanced rights between the periodical department and the authors .

  16. 得出我国基础医学类核心期刊绝大部分采用四项结构式摘要,稿约中涉及摘要内容少、粗。

    The Chinese core journals of basic medicine normally adopt a four-heading format and the content necessary in abstract is little mentioned in their Instructions to Contributors .

  17. 期刊一旦与作者达成用稿合意,稿约内容就可以成为用稿合同的一部分。

    Once the consensus between the editorial department and the authors has reached , the contents of periodical notice to contributors will become one part of the contract .

  18. 从期刊编辑方面来说,主要有修改不当、不按稿约要求处理来稿和少发或不发作者稿酬等。

    As for editors are concerned , there are improper revision of the article , failure to deal with manuscripts according to the requirements and pay for contributors .

  19. 查阅目标杂志的《稿约》是每篇稿件的既定程序,其中很可能含有投稿信必须写入的内容。

    As always , the target journal 's instructions to authors should be consulted ; these will most likely outline the information that absolutely must be included in the cover letter .

  20. 本文基于对所收集到的学术期刊稿约的研究,分析了稿约中常见的涉及双方权利义务的内容。

    Based on the study on " the notice to contributors " which is collected , the Authors analyzed common contents relating to the rights and obligations of the two sides of contract .

  21. 关于提升学术竞争力,从提升学术水平、深化同行评议、加强编委建设、积极组稿约稿等四个方面进行了分析。

    In ascension , the academic competence from the academic level of ascent , deepening the peer review , strengthening the construction of editors , actively propagating manuscripts such four aspects are analyzed .