
  • 网络foreign currency exchange rate;FOREX;rate in foreign money
  1. 凡因外币汇率变动所获得之利益皆属之。

    Gain from fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rate .

  2. 外币汇率的决定因素&变动数学模型与广场协议

    Determinant of foreign currency exchange rate & changes in mathematical model and plaza accord

  3. 基于博弈分析的人民币与外币汇率协调机制研究

    The Coordination Mechanism between RMB and Foreign Currency : Based on the Game Theory

  4. 与本国货币相比,较高的外币汇率阻碍进口,鼓励出口,这种情况在美国和日本都发生过。

    Relatively high exchange rates of the foreign currency compared to the domestic currency discourage imports and encourage exports , as in the case of the United States and Japan .

  5. 这样,人民币汇率开始市场化,从而也带来了人民币兑外币汇率的波动的增加,加大了我国外币汇率的风险,也加大了我国早已存在的外债风险。

    Then , the marketization of RMB rate increased the fluctuation of exchange rates , by which RMB exchanges to foreign currency increased the exposures to exchange rate and external debt had existed already .

  6. 该理论认为,货币的远期外汇的价值往往会超过其利率低于外币汇率由尽可能多的现货值(%)。

    The theory states that the forward exchange value of a currency will tend to exceed its spot value by as much ( in percent ) as its interest rates are lower than foreign exchange rates .

  7. 这是我们选择的确认自己的币值的方法,与所有其它外币的汇率是自由浮动的。

    This is how we value our currency , and against all other currencies exchange rates are freely floating .

  8. 中国人民银行根据银行间外汇市场形成的价格,公布人民币对主要外币的汇率。

    The People 's Bank of China shall publish the exchange rates of Renminbi against major foreign currencies according to the prices fixed at interbank foreign exchange swap centers .

  9. 以上房价均以人民币结算如用港币、美金付款,汇率按酒店当天规定之外币兑换汇率计算。

    All of the price will be calculate with RMB . If you want pay HK dollar or US Dollar , the change rate will be calculated according to that day 's change rates .

  10. 香港的联系汇率制度是一种货币发行局制度,规定货币基础必须以一种外币按照固定汇率作出支持。

    The linked exchange rate system is a currency board system , which theoretically requires the monetary base to be backed by a foreign currency at a fixed exchange rate .

  11. 自2007年次贷危机以来,国际经济体系受到了巨大的冲击,同时人民币与相关外币的利差和汇率也产生了较大的波动。

    Since the subprime crisis in 2007 , the international economic system has been influenced greatly , and the interest rate differentials and exchange rate for RMB have experienced a fluctuation during that period .

  12. 企业以外币借款购建的固定资产、无形资产、其他资产、原材料和支付的费用,也可以按该项外币借款的帐面汇率折合人民币价值入帐。

    The same applies to fixed assets , intangible assets , other assets and raw materials acquired by the costs and expenses thereof paid for by the joint venture with funds from foreign currency loans .