
xī zhuānɡ
  • ship equipment and installations
  • fit up
舾装 [xī zhuāng]
  • (1) [ship equipment]∶船上锚、桅杆、梯、管路、电路等设备和装置的总称

  • (2) [(of ships)outfitting work]∶船体主要结构造完之后安装锚、桅杆、电路等设备和装置的工作

  1. 舾装在船台上或船钨内完成

    The outfitting installation activities carried out on the building berth or dock .

  2. 有这么多的舾装工作要做,你们将工程分包出去吗

    There is so much outfitting work . Do you subcontract some of them ?

  3. 基于TRIBON数据库的船舶舾装托盘数据管理系统的开发

    Development of Outfitting BOM Management System Based on Database of TRIBON

  4. 应用DDE方式提取TRIBON轮机舾装设计托盘数据的探讨

    Discussion on the Method of How to Use DDE to Extract BOM Data from TRIBON Databank in the Marine Engine Outfitting Design

  5. 他们采用并行工程技术,使得船舶基本设计、船体结构、舾装工程、综合布置、三维产品模型数据库和车间信息都实现了计算机化,进入了计算机集成制造(CIM)的前沿。

    Now , they are the leading edge of shipbuilding CAD / CAM / CIM , and their concurrent engineering has made the basic design , hull structure , outfitting , distributed systems drafting , 3-D product model database and workshop information computerized .

  6. 之后,分析了项目计划的多层次结构,结合项目WBS的分解,提出了造船企业多层次项目模型,在此模型基础上分析区域舾装计划的在整个计划层次中的地位,确立了区域舾装计划模型。

    With the structure of WBS decomposition , defined the multi-level project plans model of shipbuilding enterprises . Analyze the position of zone outfitting schedule in the entire project level based on this model , and establish the zone outfitting Schedule Model .

  7. 对钢板切割、分段制作、铁舾装、分段合拢和密性试验的生产流程进行了分析,对监控系统进行了需求验证。(5)在KPI的模式下进行了船体建造进度监控系统的逻辑设计。

    Analyzed on the steel plate cutting , sub-production , iron and outfitting , closed and dense sub-test of the production process . Requirements of the monitoring system were verified . ( 5 ) In the mode of KPI , conducted the logical design of hull construction progress monitoring system .

  8. 集控室电气舾装产品标准化不容忽视

    About implementation of standardization of electrical outfitting in centralized control room

  9. 现代造船模式下舾装生产设计外场用图纸研究

    Research on Drawings for Ship Outfitting Production under Modern Shipbuilding Mode

  10. 2.1万吨级船的机舱单元预舾装

    Unit pre-outfitting in engine room of 21 000 dwt ship

  11. 500TEU多用途集装箱船外舾装设计

    500 TEU multi-purpose container vessel main outfitting technical summary Design

  12. 是的,我们把所有的细木工舾装都分包了出去。

    Yes , we subcontract almost all the joiner work .

  13. 现代造船模式下的舾装物流系统的研究和实现

    The Research and Implementation of Outfitting Logistics System on Modern Shipbuilding Mode

  14. 船舶舾装辅助设计管理系统研究及应用

    The Research and Application of Aided Design Management System for Marine Outfitting

  15. 江苏扬子江船厂2号舾装码头河势分析

    Analysis of River Regime at Port 2 ~ # of Jiangsu Yangtze Shipyard

  16. 船舶舾装件编码的建立与推行

    The establishment and implementation of ship outfitting pieces coding

  17. 甲板舾装件对风压力的影响

    Effect of Deck outfit on the wind Force

  18. 粉砂质条件下岸壁式舾装码头的设计与应用

    The Design & Application of the Fittingout Wharf under the Condition of silty sand

  19. 机舱和卧室的舾装。

    The outfitting of machinery room and accommodation .

  20. 一般情况下你们什么时候开始舾装工作?

    When do you begin the outfitting generally ?

  21. 浅谈舾装专业与国外联合设计的几个问题

    Some questions regarding the China foreign joint design for ship 's outfitting and special equipment

  22. 船舶舾装工作前移的探讨

    The discussion on advancing ship outfitting

  23. 造船舾装托盘管理

    Outfitting Palletization Management in Shipyard

  24. T54/T60舰船用阻尼涂料在舱内舾装工艺中的合理应用

    Rational Application of T54 / T60 Vibration Damping Coating for Naval and Merchant Ships in Outfitting of Shipbuilding

  25. 综述了造船模式的发展历程,指出了船舶舾装模块化是提高造船生产率的有效途径,并展望了未来造船模式的发展方向。

    Summarize the development of shipbuilding patterns and indication that modular outfitting can improve the efficiency of shipbuilding .

  26. 是的,我们把所有的细木工舾装都分包了出去。这将节约我们很多的时间。

    Yes , we subcontract almost all the joiner work . This will save us lots of time .

  27. 那艘船将在码头停靠八个月,进行舾装以便执行新的任务。

    The ship will be in dock for eight months to be fitted out for its new duties .

  28. 造船舾装托盘管理是现代化的科学管理方法。

    As one of modern scientific management methods , the outfitting palletization for shipbuilding was proved to be fruitful .

  29. 设备调试、舾装以及系泊试验都已经在舰船首航之前的准备阶段完成。

    Equipment debugging , outfitting , and mooring tests have been completed in preparation for the vessel 's maiden voyage .

  30. 舾装作业的运行质量直接影响着船舶建造的生产效率,包括船台/坞的占用周期。

    The running quality of outfitting process has direct effect on the production efficiency of shipbuilding , especially the dock cycle .
