
  1. 接下来是肯塔基州路易维尔市的KipWilson我去看女朋友的时候她指给我看的

    This is from Kip Wilson from Louisville Kentucky.My girlfriend pointed this place out to me when I went to visit her

  2. 我在路易维尔市泰勒军营住了四周他们让我穿军装,教我正步走。

    I spent four weeks at camp Taylor in the city of Louisville , there they dressed me in khaki and taught me how to drill .

  3. 1850年,好莱坞巨星克鲁斯的高曾祖父(曾祖父的父亲)从威尔士北部的弗林特镇移民至美国肯塔基州的路易(斯)维尔市。

    In1850 , Cruise 's great-great-grandfather Dylan Henry Mapother emigrated from the town of Flint , north Wales , to Louisville , Kentucky .