
  • 网络new wave;Sinbo;newwave
  1. 在高氯酸钠底液中,Ox在单扫示波极谱上有一个稳定的还原波P1,加入Tb~(3+)后,P1降低,而在后面出现一个新波P2。

    In the solution of NaClO_4 , Ox has a well defined single-sweep polarographic wave P_1 After the addition of Tb ~ ( 3 + ) a new wave P_2 appears at more negative potential .

  2. 在新波理论的基础上,引入可以同时表示波高和波陡的变换函数(?)

    Based on new wave theory , consider a transformation function (?)

  3. 基于新波理论的陡波数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Steep Waves Based on New Wave Theory

  4. 为了模拟极端波浪,船池引进了‘新波’理论。

    During the tests the " New Wave " was introduced into the tank for the simulation of extreme waves .

  5. 本文将新波理论进一步拓展,使之可以应用于陡波模型的建立,得到波峰前后面不对称的波性。

    In this paper , the new wave theory is extended to establish steep wave model , which results in the wave shape with asymmetric surface .

  6. 在新波理论中,波浪表面仍然可以用规则波线性叠加的方法表示,但区别于以往用随机波浪理论所建的模型。

    In the new wave theory , the random ocean surface can still be described by superimposing a series of regular wave components in the same way as do in random wave .

  7. 本文通过函数的正切函数变换给出Fisher方程的新孤波解。

    This paper proposes a new kind of solitary wave solution to Fisher Equation through a function ′ s tangent function variation .

  8. 广义Davey-Stewartson方程的新孤波解

    New soliton wave solutions of the generalized Davey-Stewartson equations

  9. 文献[3]和文献[4]中的孤波解是用双曲正切表达的孤波解,本文则是由正切函数变换出发而得到的双曲余切表达的Fisher方程的新孤波解。

    The solitary wave solutions in Literature 1 and 2 are expressed by hyperbola tangent , while this paper proposes a new kind of solitary wave solution of Fisher Equation by using hyperbola cotangent derived from tangent function variation .

  10. 例如,惠誉(Fitch)最近估计,在7月份(甚至在最新这波动荡开始之前),美国最大的一些货币市场基金就将它们的绝对敞口削减了300亿美元。

    Fitch , for example , recently calculated that the largest US money market funds cut their exposure in absolute terms by $ 30bn in July , even before the latest turmoil .

  11. 一种新的波能利用方法

    A New Method of Converting Wave Power into Useful Energy

  12. 一种新的波分复用光网络动态路由和波长分配算法

    A New Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithm in WDM Optical Network

  13. 不稳定粒子的一种新的波函数重整化方案

    A New Wave-Function Renormalization Prescription for Unstable Particles

  14. 钙的一种新极谱波

    Study on New Polarographic Wave of Calcium

  15. 本文提出了一种能够传输广播业务的新的波分复用无源光网络方案。

    We present a novel method for providing broadcast signal transmission in a wavelength division multiplexing passive optical network ( WDM-PON ) .

  16. 为此我们需要将光分解为数个波的形式,目前还不清楚当光源靠近物体时,光子是否能分解并形成新的波,如果使用光线技术,光子在近距离破坏,物体无法实现隐形。

    If we use ray optic techniques where light travels in beams-photons break down at close range and the object does not appear invisible .

  17. 并针对实际波像差测量系统的分辨率的有限性,本文提出了一种新的波像差的划分和定义。

    And taking into account the limited resolution of the actual wavefront measurement system , this paper put forward a new classification and definition of wavefront aberration .

  18. 在总结归纳已有的各向异性介质中的横波测试方法基础上,提出了两种新的波场观测方法,并通过实际各向异性样品测试,对比了各种方法所具体的特点。

    Based on the summary of existed methods of testing transverse wave in anisotropy media , I present two new observation methods , and compare the using features of those testing methods of transverse wave by practical experiment in real material .

  19. 一种新的毫米波CT无损检测系统的理论与实验研究

    Experimental and theoretical study of a new millimeter computerised tomography non-destructive testing system

  20. 修正的F展开法和推广的KdV方程新的孤波解和精确解

    The extended F-expansion method and new exact solutions of the generalized KdV equation

  21. 为提高北京遥测地震台网的地震参数测定能力,对北京地区(38°41°N,114°119°E)建立了一个新的地震波速度模型MDBJ81。

    A new seismic velocity model was constructed for improving routine determination of hypocenter parameters in the Beijing Telemetered Seismological Network ( BTSN ) .

  22. 术后心电图监测未发现有新的Q波形成及ST-T改变。

    There were not new Q waves and the changes of ST-T after surgery .

  23. 本文给出应用平面波CT成象原理研制的一种新的毫米波无损检测系统的理论与实验结果,用于对非金属制品的二维CT检测。

    A new millimeter wave CT system is set up and studied , applying the plane wave diffraction CT principle to perform non-destructive tests for dielectric materials .

  24. 非线性长波方程组和Benjamin方程的新精确孤波解

    New type of exact solitary wave solutions for dispersive long-wave equation and Benjamin equation

  25. 研制出一种新的雷达波吸收涂层(RAC)。

    A new kind of radar absorbing coating is developed .

  26. 基于SPWM对称规则采样原理,经过分析、改进,提出了一种新的SPWM波生成算法。

    After being analyzed and improved , a new SPWM algorithm based on symmetric regular sampling is presented .

  27. TLM方法在电磁散射问题应用中的一种新的平面波照射模型

    A New Plane Wave Model for the TLM Method in Simulation of EM Scattering

  28. PGL系列新故障录波器屏的设计和应用

    Design and Application of Type PGL Series New Fault Waveform Recorder Board

  29. IASPEI新标准体波震级分析研究

    Study on the IASPEI New Body Wave Magnitude Standards

  30. 本文采用新的试探波函数,对于关闭在半径为r0球壳内的类氢原子模型,计算了其能量和极化率随球壳半径r0和相应压强的变化规律。

    The energy and polarizability of a model hydrogen-like atom limited in a spherical shell of radius ru are calculated using new trial wave-function . The energy and polarizability are obtained as functions of the radius ru and corresponding pressure p.