
  • 网络Gao Jianfu;KAO JAN-FU
  1. 高剑父一生波澜壮阔,经历极为复杂,其折衷思想与艺术实践也经历了不断地变化与修整。

    So his eclectic thought and art practice underwent constant change and adjustment .

  2. 广州艺术协会在广州成立,高剑父为会长。

    The Guangzhou Art Association is founded in Guangzhou , with Gao Jianfu as its president .

  3. 张书旗透过高剑父吸收了圆山画派立足传统,敢于运用西方写实画法的绘画风格。

    Shu-Qi Yuan Shan absorbed through Jianfu school of painting based on tradition and to use the Western style of painting realistic painting .

  4. 1926年,黎雄才拜高剑父为师,六年后,黎雄才和他的老师一样,赴东瀛留学。

    In1926 , Li Xiongcai thanks to Gao Jianfu as a teacher , six years later , Li Xiongcai , and , like his teacher and went to study in Dongying .

  5. 高剑父新国画是岭南文化的独特表现形式,其独特的艺术风格吸引了国内外众多的绘画爱好者。

    " New Chinese painting " by Gao Jianfu is the particular manifestations of Ling-Nan Culture , the unique artistic style of which has attracted lots of painting fans at home and abroad .

  6. 1926年拜高剑父为师,翌年入高剑父的春睡画院学习,并一度在广州烈风美术学校兼习素描。

    Gao Jianfu in1926 thanks to a teacher the following year into the spring Gao Jianfu Painting sleep study , and once a gale School of Fine Arts in Guangzhou and Xi sketch .

  7. 高剑父是清末、民国时期一位非常重要的画家,以他为首的岭南画派在中国近现代美术史上扮演了极为重要的角色。

    Jianfu Gao was a very famous artist in late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China . He was the leader of the Lingnan School of Painting , who played a crucial role in Chinese modern art history .