
yīn yuè shù yǔ
  • musical terms;nomenclature of music
  1. 某些音乐术语是从意大利语引入的。

    Some musical terms are borrowed from Italian .

  2. 这篇文章用了相当专业的音乐术语。

    The article uses rather specialized musical terminology .

  3. 还有很多作品就是直接运用音乐术语来表达情感。

    Also a lot of his work is the express emotion with music terminology directly .

  4. 二作为音乐术语,它是自然观和社会观的延伸,成为衡量音乐的标准;

    Secondly , as a technical term of music , it extends the idea of nature and society and becomes a standard of music judgment .

  5. 笔者认为节奏是音乐术语,是一种声音现象,与文字无关。

    The writer considers that " Rhythm " is musical terminology , and is a kind of sound phenomenon , but is not related to letters .

  6. 画论借鉴音乐术语从而走向自身学科的成熟,是因为音乐更能体现道,而中国艺术和中国美学理论均以道为核心。

    Adapted from music , painting achieved its maturity , because music better conveyed Tao , which is the core of Chinese arts and Chinese aesthetics .

  7. 这一音乐术语是上世纪二十年代被引进中国的一个新的名词,它在我国民间音乐理论中又被称作“段式”。

    This music terminology is new to China which was introduced in the20 ~ ( th ) century and it is called as Duanshi in folk music theory in our country .

  8. 像这个音乐术语“高潮”,家就像音乐剧一样有一系列的“音符”,在家里每个房间都具有独一无二的和具体的角色,就象在创作一首完整的和谐的音乐剧用的音符一样。

    Like the musical term " crescendo ", the home has a series of musical " notes " where each room has a unique and specific role in creating a total harmonious piece of music .

  9. 荒诞这个原本音乐术语在20世纪的西方社会中几乎是最时髦的,特别是二战后,此术语似乎成了西方人的集体无意识。

    As an original term of the music , " Absurdity " is the most fashionable in the western society in the 20th century , especially after the second World War , which seems to have become a collective-unconsciousness of the Westerners .

  10. 有时也是一种表达于20世纪的美国音乐的术语。

    The term has also been applied to various styles of20th-century American music .

  11. 音乐表情术语与钢琴作品

    The music expression terminology and the piano music works

  12. 他借用了音乐学中的术语复调来说明这种小说创作中的多声部现象。

    He borrows the musical term polyphony to describe such multiple-voiced phenomenon in the creation of the novel .

  13. 音乐内容包括人为演奏的音乐,自然界的天籁之音,和一些间或出现的音乐术语和符号。

    Music content included the artificial music , sounds of nature and some music terms & symbols appearing intermittently .