
  • 网络gregory
  1. 属于或关于罗马教皇格列高利十三世或他1982年提出的历法的。

    Of or relating to Pope Gregory XIII or the calendar he introduced in1582 .

  2. 教皇格列高利三世将每年11月1日定为“众圣人节”,以此纪念圣人和殉道者。

    Pope Gregory III designated November1st All Saints'Day , a time to honor saints and martyrs .

  3. 获得多白金销量的《谜1》融合了格列高利圣咏、长笛和深沉、性感的格调。

    The multi-platinum debut ENIGMA 1 took its form from Gregorian chants , flutes , and deeply sensual grooves .

  4. 1562年,格列高利历将一年的第一天从4月1日移到1月1日。

    In 1562 , the Gregorian calendar moved the first day of the year from April 1 to January 1 .

  5. 格列高利(西奈的)西门(克利奥奈的)西奈半岛南部一座山峰,海拔英尺;被认为是摩西接受上帝十诫的地方。

    A mountain peak in the southern Sinai Peninsula ( 7,500 feet high ); it is believed to be the peak on which Moses received the Ten Commandments .

  6. 不过,Snopes.com的都市传说专家称,大多数专家将其归功于在16世纪颁行格列高利历(公历)的教皇格列高利十三世。

    However the urban legend experts at Snopes.com say that most experts give credit to Pope Gregory XIII , who , in the 1500s , gave the world the Gregorian calendar .

  7. 《授时历》以365.2425天为一岁,和地球绕太阳一周的实际时间只差26秒,与和现行的公历(《格列高利历》)一年周期相同,但比现行公历的确立早300年。

    The Imperial Calendar 11 took 365 . 2425 days as a year and which only missed 26 seconds compared with the real time needed that the sun goes around the earth once . It is same to the Geliego Calendar in use today , but it was three hundred years earlier than the Geliego Calendar .