
  • 网络Musical Toy;music toy
  1. 由于我们制造厂商忙于完成积压的订单,很抱歉我方不能利用这次机会满足你方对音乐玩具的需求。

    As our manufactures are fully occupied with back orders , we regret that we cannot avail ourselves of this opportunity of meeting your requirements for musical toys .

  2. 为了适应现今市场发展的趋势和拓展我们的产品,2005年,我们成功地推出了包括毛绒音乐玩具、毛毯,床单,枕头等毛绒婴儿床上用品系列。

    In order to keep abreast of the latest market trend as well as broaden our product range , we proudly launched our new production line of Plush Baby Bedding Products in2005 .

  3. 我喜欢音乐和玩具。

    I like music and dolls .

  4. 印度客商求购电池音乐电话玩具,音频必须使用印度语,请有意者将产品图片及报价发送至邮箱。

    Anybody interested in providing this toys please mail me with your contact particulars I will contact them . I need this product in bulk .

  5. 总之,互联网上销售量最大的商品并非音乐、并非玩具,并非图书和鲜花,而是股票。

    After all , the biggest-selling consumer item on the Internet is not music , not toys , not books or flowers . It 's stock .

  6. 参观圣诞老人布置得漂漂亮亮的房子;看他的古董音乐盒、得意玩具;坐上他的开心火车到处玩!

    The children discover his antique music box , see amazing displays of his favourite toys and climb aboard his train for an incredible ride .