
  • 网络VCD;chemical fertilizer pollution
  1. 该技术能减少农药、化肥污染,节省灌溉用水和提高肥料利用率。

    This technology can reduce pesticides and chemical fertilizer pollution , to save irrigation water and to raise the fertilizer efficiency .

  2. 苏州、扬州两地畜禽粪便污染、生活污染、化肥污染和精养鱼塘污染均占一定的比例。

    Suzhou and Yangzhou were polluted corresponsively by animals ' feces pollution 、 domestic living pollution 、 chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution .

  3. 农田土壤化肥污染及对策

    Status and Countermeasures of Farmland Soil Polluted by Chemical Fertilizer

  4. 化肥污染的防治措施和方法探讨

    Fertilizer pollution and measures to prevent and care

  5. 农药、化肥污染,养殖生产、农村生活及农业垃圾污染也十分严重。

    The pollution caused by the production and living in rural areas was also very serious .

  6. 另外,上海周边地区非点源污染问题也日益突出,其中畜禽尿粪污染、生活污染以及农药和化肥污染在非点源污染中更为显著。

    In addition , attentions should also be paid to nonpoint source pollution within the ambient area of Shanghai city , among which the domestic animal dejecta , living pollution , pesticide and fertilizer pollution are of importance .

  7. 畜禽粪便污染源、生活污染源、化肥污染源、精养鱼塘污染源流失污染物分别占总量的29.49%、50.86%、16.68%和2.98%;

    The percent of the Iosed amount of the animals ' feces pollution 、 domestic living pollution 、 chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution was separately 29.49 % , 50.86 % , 16.68 % and 2.98 % ;

  8. 近些年,土地荒漠化、水土流失、农药污染、化肥污染、食品质量安全等问题日渐严重,我国农业受到严峻发展挑战。

    The recent years witnessed a large of number of problems going more and more serious , such as desertification , water and soil erosion , agricultural chemical pollution , fertilizer pollution and food safety , etc , bringing severe challenges for the development of agriculture in China .

  9. 江西省农业生产中化肥农药污染的状况及防治策略

    Situation and Control Strategy of Chemical Fertilizer and Pesticide Pollution in Agricultural Production of Jiangxi Province

  10. 氮素化肥的污染现状与防治对策

    Nitrogen Fertilizer Pollution and the Countermeasures

  11. 因此,改进传统的施肥模式,加快制定农业非点源污染的相关法律法规,对控制农田氮化肥流失污染和提高农业经济效益,具有十分重要的意义。

    And so it has an important meaning to improve conventional practice of applying fertilizer and constitute laws and regulations on the control of non-point source pollution .

  12. 基于作业的化肥企业环境污染因素识别系统的设计

    Designing of an Identification System to Environmental Pollution Elements of Fertilizer Enterprises

  13. 化肥、农药污染日益蔓延;

    ? Fast spreading bf chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution ;

  14. 从化肥造成食品污染、破坏土壤肥力和污染生态环境三方面分析了人们对化肥的误解。

    The misunderstandings about chemical fertilizer were discussed from the pollution that caused by unsuitable using .

  15. 农民使用大量的农药和化肥造成环境污染;

    Peasants use a great deal of pesticide and fertilizer to cause the problem of environmental pollution ;

  16. 沿江工业三废、生活垃圾以及化肥农药的污染,使得江汉平原的水、土及大气资源受到不同程度的破坏。

    In addition , the release of industry waste and chemical pesticides result in the demolition of water , land and air resource in Jianghan Plain to different extent .

  17. 土地资源的不同利用常常造成地下河的农药、化肥和细菌污染,引发雨后旱情。

    So , unfit usage of land resources often causes the pollution of underground river by pesticides , fertilizers and bacteria and prevalence of dry hazard after rain season .

  18. 在非点源污染源中城镇、农村生活产生的污染是COD、氨氮和TP污染负荷的主要来源,农业化肥施用是TN污染负荷的主要来源。

    Common life pollution is the major source of COD , NH3 + - N and TP load , and agricultural chemical fertilizer is the major source of TN pollution load .

  19. 土壤遭到化肥和杀虫剂的污染。

    The soil has been damaged by fertilizers and pesticides .

  20. 这个农场使用了大量化肥给供水造成污染。(过去分词短语作定语,倒译。)

    The huge amounts of chemical fertilizer used on these farms are polluting water supply .

  21. 农用高吸水性树脂的使用是解决农业缺水、传统化肥农药对环境污染等问题的有效途径。

    Agricultural super absorbent polymers are effective methods to solve the problems of water shortage and pollution induced by traditional chemical fertilizers and pesticides etc.

  22. 蔬菜、水果是人们生活中不可缺少的副食品和重要营养来源之一,但化肥及化学农药污染阻碍蔬菜产业的健康发展,其食品安全和潜在的环境污染也令人不安。

    Vegetable and fruitage are subsidiary foodstuffs and one of the important nourishment source in human life . But chemical fertilizer and chemical pesticide pollution hindrance the healthy development of vegetable industry , food safety and latent environment pollution always let us uneasy .

  23. 无公害茶叶农药化肥的合理使用和污染防治农药、化肥与农业污染

    Rational Usage on Pesticide and Chemical Fertilizer of Pollution Free Tea and It 's Control Countermeasures

  24. 指出化肥本身并不是污染物,仅能称为污染因子,造成化肥污染的根本原因是施肥不当。

    It was put forward that chemical fertilizer itself wasn 't a pollutant , and it was only a contaminative factor .

  25. 因此,在肯定施用化肥对农业增产有重要作用的同时,探讨预防化肥污染的方法和措施是十分必要的。

    So , measures to control chemical fertilizer pollution are discussed in the paper on the basis on affirm the important role of chemical fertilizer in agriculture .

  26. 同时,传统农业被大量施用化肥、农药,大量使用农业机械的现代农业所代替,产生了许多问题,诸如化肥农药污染等。

    At the same time , traditional agriculture is substituted by the modern one , in which quantities of fertilizer , pesticide and mechanical machines are widely used . This produces many problems , such as fertilizer and pesticide pollutions .