
  • 网络value relation;value relationship
  1. 区域经济中物流与知识流的价值关系

    The value relation of logistics and knowledge flow in the regional economy

  2. 人与自然之间存在生存关系和价值关系。

    Between man and nature , there exists satisfaction and value relation .

  3. 中国股市IPO抑价与上市公司内在价值关系&基于分位数回归的实证研究

    The Relationship between IPO Underpricing in China 's Stock Market and the Intrinsic Value of the Listed Companies & An Empirical Study based on Quantile Regression Techniques

  4. 翻译活动系统内部存在着多层次的复杂关系,包括价值关系。

    Secondly , there are multi-layered complicated relations within translation system .

  5. 上市公司国家股与企业价值关系的实证研究

    Analysis of relationship between corporate value and state-owned share in listed companies

  6. 煤矿安全状况与煤炭资源价值关系·浅析

    Analysis on the Relations Between Coal Mine Safety and Coal Resources Value

  7. 社会责任会计信息与公司价值关系的实证研究

    Empirical Study between Accounting Data of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Value

  8. 再论劳动和价值关系的几个问题

    Some Thoughts on the Relation between Labor and Value

  9. 在新闻价值关系中新闻文本居于核心地位。

    In the relations of news value the news text is the kernel .

  10. 顾客感知的服务质量与顾客价值关系的研究

    An Investigation of the Relationship between Customer Perception of Service Quality and Customer Value

  11. 顾客抱怨处理质量与顾客资产价值关系的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on Relationship between Customer Complaint Handling Quality and Customer Equity Value

  12. 货币起的是载体的作用,反映了深层次的原因,是技术、心理、社会等各方面因素及其相互关系对价值关系的作用。

    Money as the carrier reflects deep-seated reasons of technical , psychological and social .

  13. 事实与价值关系的探讨

    Probing the Relationship Between Fact and Value

  14. 但是在实践中的多元价值关系中,操作是不容易的事。

    But the operation of proving the truth is difficult in multiple relations of values .

  15. 公共政策事实与价值关系的理论反思

    The Theoretical Reflection of the Relationship Between the Fact And the Value of the Policy

  16. 不同增长机会下融资决策与公司价值关系的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relation between Financial Decisions and Firm Value under Different Growth Opportunities

  17. Ⅱ.多元化发展战略类型与企业价值关系。

    ⅱ . on the relation between the types of the diversified strategies and firm value .

  18. 音乐审美关系具有价值关系的特征,并存在于审美主客体的协调之中。

    Music aesthetic relation has the feature of value relationship that coordinates between the subjective and objective .

  19. 因此,人类自身进化的历史,实际就是人与环境之价值关系不断发展的历史。

    The history of human evolution is essentially the developmental history of value relation between mankind and environment .

  20. 在这一过程中形成的各种伦理价值关系及其规范标准,构成企业伦理的基本内容;

    The various ethical value relationships and their criteria and norms constitute the basic content of enterprise ethics .

  21. 人力资本额外贡献与企业价值关系实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between the Additional Value of Human Capital and the Value of Enterprises

  22. 主体与客体具有多重关系。有认识关系,有价值关系,还有审美关系。

    Subject has multiple relations with object , such as understanding relation , value relation , and aesthetic relation .

  23. 人们对科学和价值关系认识的历史可以粗略地划分为三个阶段。

    The history of understanding of the relationship between value and science can be roughly divided into three periods .

  24. 人和自然界的价值关系与环境污染的不断加剧都值得人类的反思。

    Value relation between people and nature and the aggravation of the environmental pollution are all worth introspecting by us .

  25. 信用是人际交往的重要价值关系,讲信用是人际交往成功的最低要求。人际信用的伦理意义包括信用的伦理要求以及信用对个体和社会的存在价值纬度。

    Credit is an important value in people 's association , and having credit is the maximum demand for successful association .

  26. 关于资本结构与企业价值关系的研究一直是公司治理高度关注的一个领域。

    The Relationship between capital structure , corporate governance and corporate performance has been an important subject in the management study .

  27. 事实与价值关系视域下的描述伦理学&描述伦理学的问题及其视域

    Descriptive Ethics in the Perspective View of the Relationship between Fact and Value & On the problem and perspective view of descriptive ethics

  28. 本文通过案例剖析,就对外宣传翻译的目的&策略原则与信息性质之间的价值关系进行探讨。

    The paper discusses , through case analyses , the relationship between the information attributes and translation principles in translation for overseas publicity .

  29. 关于消费伦理的共生原则,是对现代社会条件下人与自然价值关系的基本伦理要求。

    Symbiosis on consumer ethical principle is the relationship between servant and the natural values of the basic ethical requirement in modern social conditions .

  30. 文学现象之间实际存在的亲缘关系、价值关系和交叉关系是可比性的客观基础。

    The relation of relative , the relation of value and the relation of cross existing among literate phenomena are the objective foundations of comparability .