
  • 网络value chain;price chain
  1. 房屋买卖价格链已经失控。

    The house price chain is gummed up .

  2. 本文针对市场环境下电力产业中的交易问题及其优化模型进行研究,本文主要工作如下:研究了不同电力产业运营模式下的电力产业价格链形态以及相应的价格形成机制。

    Electricity transaction optimization is researched in this dissertation as follows : Firstly the formation of price chain and pricing mechanism in different electricity industry modes are demonstrated .

  3. 接下来分析了在整个电力价格链中,竞价上网环节价格形成机制是电价形成机制关键环节,这对电力改革有着至关重要作用;同时还分析了电力改革前后的厂网关系与竞价上网之间联系。

    Next , this paper analyses the importance of the power onto-grid price formation mechanism in the whole price chain , which has a crucial role in electricity reform ; also analyses the relations of the power generating plants and the power grid company before and after the electricity reform .

  4. 收益共享契约可以协调需求依赖于价格的供应链系统。

    Revenue-sharing contract can help coordinating the supply chain with price-depended demand .

  5. 基于模糊零售价格的供应链定价策略研究

    The study on pricing decision of supply chain with fuzzy retail prices

  6. 随机需求依赖价格的供应链回购合约研究

    Research of Supply Chain Coordination under Price-dependent Stochastic Demand with Buyback Contract

  7. 质量与价格竞争供应链的均衡与协调策略研究

    Research on equilibriums and coordination strategies of supply chains with quality and price competition

  8. 股票价格的马氏链预测方法研究

    Research on the Method of Predicting the Trend of Stock Market Based on Markov Theory

  9. 农业部还表示,随着批发价格透过供应链影响到消费者,今年下半年食品价格通胀将激增。

    It added that food inflation would surge in the second half of this year as wholesale prices filtered through the supply chain , affecting consumers .

  10. 在这个假设的基础上首先构建了需求无变动时供应链协调的基本模型,得出了最优订货数量、最优零售价格以及供应链的最优利润。

    Then a basic model involved with no change in demand is constructed , getting the optimal order quantity , optimal retail price and the optimal supply chain profits .

  11. 为了实现价值的当期分配,用贴现因子代表各企业的讨价还价能力,用中间产品的价格决定供应链各企业的价值利润的分配。

    In order to distribute value immediately , each firm 's bargaining power is represented by discount factor and each firm 's value distribution is determined the price of intermediate product .

  12. 但是任何企业的影响都很难量化,而其在消费价格、供应链、竞争对手以及劳动力市场的冲击也没有定论。

    Yet the economic impact of any company , even one as large as Wal-Mart , is hard to measure . There is no defining answer to its impact upon consumer prices , supply chain , competitors and labor market .

  13. 结合满足供应商和销售商Pareto有效性,建立了含价格折扣的供应链系统整体盈利最大的库存模型。

    For the case that the revenue of the vendor and the retailer coincides with Pareto-affection , another inventory model with price discount is set up for maximizing the total profit of the supply chain .

  14. 价格不确定供应链的多目标运作鲁棒模型

    Multi - objective robust operation model for supply chain with uncertain market prices

  15. 需求价格相关的供应链的联合契约研究

    Combined Contract of a Supply Chain with Price-dependent Demands

  16. 广告分担、价格折扣与供应链的纵向合作广告

    Advertising Participation , Price Discount and the Vertical Cooperative Advertisement in a Supply Chain

  17. 为揭示价格弹性对供应链库存模型的影响规律,对模型中的价格弹性因子进行了灵敏度分析。

    In order to reveal the rule that the price elasticity effects inventory model , we carry on sensitivity analysis to the price elasticity .

  18. 本文建立了股票价格预测的马尔可夫链数学模型,并举例说明了该模型在股票交易市场预测中的应用。

    This paper sets up the Markov mathematic forecast model of stock price , and illustrate the application of this model in the stock exchange market .

  19. 通胀在今年早些时候有所上升,这主要反映了某些大宗商品及进口货物的价格上涨及供应链的中断。

    Inflation picked up earlier in the year , mainly reflecting higher prices for some commodities and imported goods , as well as the supply chain disruptions .

  20. 研究了突发事件对供应链所造成的影响,并指出零售商的最优应对价格是对供应链的最优应对价格的扭曲。

    We study the affect of the disruptions on the coordinated supply chain , and pointed out the optimal emergency price decision distortion phenomena from the perspective of retailer to supply chain .

  21. 建立了在信息共享的前提下基于零售商退货价格激励的供应链合作模型。

    Under the prerequisites of sharing the full information between the manufacturer and the retailer , a model of supply chain cooperation is set up based upon the retailer 's incentive return price .

  22. 最后采用多目标规划模型描述供应链的整体运作况,得到产品价格不确定供应链在最坏条件下的最优运作策略。

    Designing a model of numeral example and using it to verify the model , the optimum operating strategy under the worst case for the supply chain with uncertain products price is obtained .

  23. 据悉,该皮带由聚氨酯材料制成,嵌有碳绳以使其富有张力,价格高于金属车链,只能安装在经过改装的车架上。

    The belts , made of polyurethane and shot through with carbon cords to give them tensile strength , are more expensive than chains and can be installed only on frames adapted to their use .

  24. 企业是牛奶价格的制定者,在产业链条范围内享有垄断利润;奶站是价格的谈判者,而奶农只能被动地接受价格,成为产业链中的弱势群体。

    As the makers of milk prices , enterprises enjoy monopoly profits in the dairy industrial chain . Milk station is the negotiator of the price , while farmers can only passively accept the price , to become the vulnerable groups .