
  • 网络price floor;minimum price;support price
  1. 但乘客们均表示反对最低限价。

    However , travelers are against the price floor .

  2. 中国为了鼓励玉米种植而实施最低限价政策,这导致进口玉米和高粱具有成本上的优势。

    Imported corn and sorghum cost less than domestic corn thanks to Beijing 's minimum price policy designed to encourage the planting of corn .

  3. 股票价值低于现金值(f)海关最低限价;

    Trading Below Cash ( f ) minimum customs values ;

  4. 在几个月的时间里,世界市场上的锡价猛跌到低于官方的最低限价。

    For a few months the price of tin on world markets fell through the official floor .

  5. 在实践中,直接价格管制政策(以最低限价为例)的实施效果并不理想。

    In practice , directly price control ( showed as lowest price constraint ) can hardly reach the expected aim .

  6. 他说,只有当这项战略不能奏效时,才会采用其他途径,如设定最低限价。

    Only if that strategy fails , he says , would other options , such as minimum prices , be pursued .

  7. 一旦俄罗斯人将其持有的锡矿股票投放于国际市场之中,那么该市场中金属的价格会跌破最低限价。

    If the Russian release their stocks of tin into world market , the price of metal will sink through the floor .

  8. 国有土地使用权出让实行最低限价制度,是加强土地管理的一项重要措施。

    It 's an important measure to strengthen the land management that the right of using the state-owned land implements the lowest price system .

  9. 对此,中国代表表示,中国已停止使用并将不再重新使用最低限价或参考价格作为确定完税价格的手段。

    In response , the representative of China stated that China had ceased to use and would not reintroduce minimum or reference prices as a means to determine customs value .

  10. 英国医学协会也重申了一些其它建议,包括为每瓶酒精饮料制定最低限价,为酒精类饮料制定高于通货膨胀率的高税率,禁止商家提供“买一送一”的优惠活动。

    The BMA also renewed its calls for a minimum price to be set per unit of alcohol , for alcohol to be taxed at a higher rate than inflation and for a ban on two-for-one offers .

  11. 借鉴日本的经验,结合我国茧丝绸业的生产实际,文章提出了蚕茧价格主要由市场需求自动调节,同时建立储备制度和最低限价措施以稳定市场价格、促进行业健康发展的定价模式。

    According to the Japanese experience and in consideration of China 's actual conditions of cocoon and silk sector , the pricing model should be complemented by commodity reserves and floor price system so as to promote the healthy development of the sector .

  12. 从经济学的角度对森林价格机制进行分析,试图采用以森林采伐限额为基础的最低限价和价格支持为非公有制林业的发展提供一种更为有效的激励机制,促进非公有制林业的发展。

    Forest price mechanism is analyzed in terms of economics . It is tried to put forward that bottom price policy based on the forest felling quotas and forest price support policy can provide more effective encouraging system for promoting the development of non-public forestry .

  13. 根据我国目前公司治理的现状和经济发展的阶段,政府制定最低限价与市场调节相结合的方式确定审计收费标准并向被审单位收费的组合依然是一种较为理性的审计收费模式。

    According to the present situation and the economic development in China , it is a rational audit fee pattern for the government formulating the lowest price of audit fee together with the market regulation to determine the audit fee standard and charge the company audited .