
  1. 就欧美先进国家而言,大抵上均有法定的最低工资规定。

    Generally speaking , minimum wage is largely decretory in the advanced Western countries .

  2. 《最低工资规定》能够真正得到落实,关键是最低工资保障制度能够逐步在整体机制上得到完善。

    " Minimum wage " will be truly , the key requirement is a minimum wage guarantee system has been able to gradually improve the overall mechanism .

  3. 我们会将这份资料应用在政策上的议题,包括了最低工资的规定、食物券的供应、保护贸易制度、教育的国书、健康保险市场以及网路购物。

    We apply this material to policy debates including minimum wage regulations , food stamp provision , trade protection , educational credentials , health insurance markets , and Internet shopping .

  4. 没有法律定义实习生,但国家最低工资的法律规定任何有工作资格的人必须获得至少6.08英镑每小时的报酬(如果21岁以上),除非他们的雇主是慈善机构。

    There is no legal definition of an intern , but national minimum wage law states anybody who qualifies as a worker must be paid at least & # 163 ; 6.08 an hour ( if aged 21 and over ) unless their employer is a charity .

  5. 最低工资制度是国家规定用人单位应支付的最低劳动报酬的制度。

    The Minimum Wage System is regulated by the government to enforce the employers to pay the minimum labor remuneration .

  6. 职工大会表示,应充分强制实施最低工资等雇用法规定,并给予临时合同工更好的保护。

    Employment laws such as the minimum wage should be properly enforced and agency workers given better protection , said the TUC .

  7. 从我请求国会提高最低工资的那年起,五个州已经出台了提高当地最低工资法律规定。

    In the year since I asked this Congress to raise the minimum wage , five states have passed laws to raise theirs .