
bào shí
  • chime;give the correct time;announce the hour
报时 [bào shí]
  • [announce the hour;give the correct time] 报告准确的时间

报时[bào shí]
  1. 有一次大本钟为什么没有做出正确的报时?

    Why is Big Ben fail to give the correct time once ?

  2. 我听见钟响报时。

    I heard the clock chime .

  3. 鸣钟报时。

    The bell tolled the hour .

  4. 报时用了35秒钟。

    It took thirty-five seconds for the hour to strike .

  5. 时钟的报时把他从沉思中惊醒。

    The clock striking the hour pierced through his thoughts .

  6. 电台播音员报时9点整。

    The radio announcer said it was nine o'clock

  7. 海关大钟报时。

    The huge clock at the Customs House strikes the hours .

  8. 那只小钟丁当丁当地报时。

    The little clock tinkled out the hours .

  9. 钟已报时。

    The clock struck the hour .

  10. 教堂的钟声报时。

    The church bell tolled the hour .

  11. 基于PLC的简易定时报时器系统的设计

    Design of Simple Timing Controller and Chronopher System Based on PLC

  12. DSP与单片计算机单片机自动报时控制器

    DSP and Single - chip Microcontroller

  13. 那片刻,小吃J的每个铃开始鸣响-在门,窗户的报时上的铃,酒吧的铃。

    That moment , every bell in the Snack J began ringing-the bell over the door , the chimes by the windows , the bell by the bar .

  14. 对AB报中灾情段及地方补充段中灾害项目的编发应注意的问题给出了概括、总结,供编报时参考。

    Summarizes and concludes the problems to be noted in the editing of disaster part and the disaster items in local supplementary paragraph in AB report , providing a reference for the editing work .

  15. 介绍了一种基于EWB软件设计电子钟的方法,系统由石英晶体振荡器、分频器、计数器、译码电路、LED显示电路、校时电路、整点报时电路组成。

    The paper introduces a method of digital electronic clock design based on EWB and the system is made up by silicon crystal oscillator , frequency divider , number counter , decoder circuit , LED display circuit , calibrated circuit , chirping circuit .

  16. 你可以使用你自己的图像,音乐和报时音。

    You can use your own images , melodies and chimes .

  17. 一张房产中介登的照片加上格林威治的报时声

    An estate agent 's photo and the bloody Greenwich pips .

  18. 当我数着壁上报时的自鸣钟。

    When I do count the clock that tells the time .

  19. 都市报时评现状问题研究

    The Research on Status Quo of the News Review in Metropolis

  20. 海关的大钟每小时都报时。

    The huge clock of the Customs House strikes the hours .

  21. 仿照例句用另一种方式报时。

    C.Tell the time in another way according to the example .

  22. 智能语音报时系统研究

    The Study of Intelligent Speech System For Giving The Present Time

  23. 这种报时装置适合于各种秒跳式石英钟机心。

    This kind of set fit onvariouis second juniper quartz movement .

  24. 钟表的功能是报时。

    The function of a clock is to tell the time .

  25. 远处,一座教堂的钟声在报时。

    In the distance , a church bell tolled the hour .

  26. 咱们照着收音机的报时信号把钟对一对。

    Let 's set the clock by the radio time signal .

  27. 不要指望别人会给你报时啦!

    Do not expect others to time you and remind you !

  28. 老鸡报时小鸡学习。

    As the old cock crows , the young cock learns .

  29. 当我细数报时的钟声敲响,

    When I do count the clock that tells the time ,

  30. 它就是用来报时,或者召集开会的嘛。

    It 's used to tell time and call meetings .