
yù fù huò kuǎn
  • payment in advance;cash before delivery
  1. 第一产次订购我们希望预付货款。

    We expect payment in advance on first orders .

  2. 经销商知晓,除非BAKER家具的信用部经理事先同意采取其它方式,所有付款都须采取预付货款或可接受的信用证。

    DEALER understands that all payment terms are Cash in Advance or Acceptable Letter of Credit unless alternative arrangements are agreed upon in advance by BAKER 's Credit Manager .

  3. 因存货有限,我们要求预付货款。

    As the stock is limited , we require payment in advanced .

  4. 如能预付货款,我们就接受你方订货。

    We 'd like to accept the order if your can pay in advance .

  5. 我们将预付货款的30%,而且会将大滚筒寄给你(贵司)。

    We will pay30 % for the goods in advance and we will send the swift to you .

  6. 系统于每晚23时对企业当日完成注销的预付货款进行自动确认。

    The System shall , at23:00 each day , automatically confirm the advance payments deregistered by enterprises on the same day .

  7. 本通知所称企业货物贸易项下境外债权包括进口预付货款和出口延期收款。

    I.The term " enterprises'external credits under the item of trade in goods " as mentioned in this Notice includes both advance payment in import and deferred receivables export .

  8. 企业预付货款额度不能满足需求的,可向外汇局申请调整预付货款额度。

    If the advance payment ration of an enterprise could not meet the requirements , the enterprise may apply to the forex bureau for adjusting the ration of advance payment .

  9. 清代前期,商人通过预付货款,或借垫资金,以收购农民的在产品和手工业品,即所谓预买,成为商人收购农村商品的重要形式。

    In the early Qing dynasty , many merchants purchased peasants ' agricultural products and handiworks by paying money or lending fund in advance , this is also called purchasing in advance , and it became an important method for purchasing commodities of rural areas .

  10. 如卖方不能交货,卖方必须退回买方代理预付的货款及承担买方代理已支付的银行费用;

    If the Seller is not able to make a delivery , then it must refund the amount paid by the Buyer 's Agent in advance and be responsible for the banking charges paid by the Buyer 's Agent .

  11. 因为你们的订货数目很大,我们要求你们预付20%的货款以帮助我们启动生产。

    As your order is quite a substantial one , we ask for a20 % advance payment to help us start production .

  12. 合同签定后,先预付一笔货款,预付比例向上级报告后,再确定。

    After the contract was signed , a payment in advance , after the report to a higher proportion of advance , sure .

  13. 第二十七条应收及预付款项包括:应收票据、应收帐款、其它应收款、预付货款、待摊费用等。

    Article 27 Receivables and prepayments shall include : notes receivable , accounts receivable , other receivables , accounts prepaid and prepaid expenses , etc.