
  • 网络precautionary principle
  1. 不是任何情况下对预防性原则的引用都是正当的。

    Not every invocation of the doctrine of pre-emption will be justified .

  2. 布什政府声称,根据预防性原则,拥有大规模杀伤武器的敌人在使用这些武器前就可以被攻击。

    Under the pre-emption doctrine , touted by the Bush Administration , an enemy that is in the process of acquiring weapons of mass destruction can be attacked before using those weapons .

  3. 在这些争论中“非目标生物伤害”、“实质等同性”、“转基因食品要不要贴标签?”“和”预防性原则”成为热门话题。

    In these controversies , there are four hot issues , which are ," non ? target organisms harmed "," concept of substantial equivalence "," need transgenic foods carry a label ?" and " preventive principle " .

  4. 高度近视眼的视网膜脱离预防性激光治疗原则初探

    Preliminary study of prophylactic retinal photocoagulation in one high myopia eye

  5. 按预防性应用基本原则评价,合理应用者30.3%,基本合理者40.5%,不合理者29.2%。

    As according to the basic principle of prophylactic use , the rational use was 30.3 % , the basically rational use was 40.5 % , and irrational use was 29.2 % .