
  • 网络natural range
  1. 在自然科学范围以外的。

    Outside the sphere of physical science .

  2. 这是自然史范围内最重要的学科之一。

    This is one of the most important subjects in the whole round of natural history .

  3. 试验期间室内育苗池水温与盐度的自然变化范围分别为24.0~30.5℃,29.6~30.5。

    During the test period the natural temperature and salinity of seawater used in laboratory pools were 24.0-30.5 ℃ and 29.6-30.6 respectively .

  4. 首先,从自然地理范围和行政区划两方面,对本文的研究区域作一界定,并对本区清代行政建置的变化作了说明。

    Firstly , it defines the study area and explains the administrative organizational system changes respectively from the point of natural geographical scope and administrative division .

  5. 斯格布兰博士还认为,频繁在走路时发短信会限制脖子的自然活动范围,引发或加剧脖子和肩膀疼痛。

    Frequent peripatetic texting also may cause or worsen neck and shoulder pain , Dr. Schabrun suggested , by reducing the neck joint 's natural range of motion .

  6. 禽流感病毒可感染许多鸟类和哺乳动物,但是其自然宿主范围通常限于野生水禽,如野鸭、海鸥等。

    Avian influenza virus can cause serious disease in a wide variety of birds and mammals , but generally its natural host range is limited to wild ducks and gulls .

  7. 全球温室气体排放总量已由1970年的287亿吨二氧化碳当量增加到2004年的490亿吨,远远超出过去65万年自然变化范围,全球气候变暖已是无可争议的事实。

    The gas emission of carbon dioxide of the global greenhouse is amounted from 28.7 billion tons to 490 million tons . It is far beyond the range of natural variability over the past 65 years .

  8. 要在明确自然垄断范围的基础上分析我国自然垄断业的特点与存在的问题,并提出相应的方法予以治理,以完善对自然垄断业的管制。

    Based on clear scope of natural monopoly , this presentation analyses the characteristics and existing problems in natural monopoly and put forward corresponding ways to cope with them so as to perfect the control over natural monopoly .

  9. 转基因棉籽比转基因大麦籽粒的非预期效应表现更为突出,并且转基因棉籽中主要营养成分的变化超出了不同棉花品种间的自然变异范围。

    The unintended effect of transgenic cotton seeds is more obvious than that of transgenic barley seeds , and the changes of major nutritional components in transgenic cotton seeds are beyond the range of natural variation among different cotton varieties .

  10. 这个是海洋温度自然变化的范围。

    This is the naturai range of variabiIity for temperature in the oceans .

  11. 它们的自然栖息地的范围是从加拿大东南部到洛矶山脉的科罗拉多州,向东远至新斯科舍省和佛罗里达州。

    Their natural habitat extends from southeastern Canada to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado , and as far east as Nova Scotia and Florida .

  12. 我们可以从尼采的作品中,找到许多有关精神,语言,和自然各自的范围,以及它们相互联系的思考。

    Scattered throughout Nietzsches writings we find numerous reflections upon the areas of mind , language and nature as well as on their interconnections .

  13. 曾观测到风速减小10%的情形,然而这一减小量完全落在风暴中的风的自然变率范围内。

    A 10 % reduction of wind speed was observed , however , the reduction is well within the natural wind variability of the storm .

  14. 近年来其自然感染宿主范围不断扩大,除了犬和毛皮动物外,还可以感染狮、虎、灵长类等多种动物。

    In recent years , CD natural host range increased from canine and fur-bearing animals to many animals such as lion , tiger and even to primate .

  15. 艾比湖的盐湖产业几乎全部位于艾比湖自然保护区范围内,其发展是否会影响到保护区功能的完整性,是本论文研究的主要背景。

    Almost all of the salt industries are located in the Nature Reserve of Ebinur Lake , and its development will affect the function of the integrity of protected areas .

  16. 曾观测到风速减小10%情形,然而这一减小量完全落在风暴中的风的自然变率范围内。我急速进屋,锁上门,迅速从后门撤退了。

    A10 % reduction of wind speed was observed , however , the reduction is well within the natural wind variability of the storm . I quickly got inside , locked the door , and dusted out the back way .

  17. 适当选择自然频率的范围和耦合强度,通过序参数随时间的周期、准周期和混沌演化,可以看到耦合极限环的频率锁定,振幅死亡和不连贯等现象。

    Depending on the choice of coupling strength and the spread of natural frequencies , the sytem exhibits the frequency locking , amplitude death , and incoherence , as well as the unsteady behavior characterized periodic , quasi-periodic or chaotic evolution of the system 's order parameter .

  18. 对S辊的张力自然调节作用和范围进行了分析与阐明;

    Thetension adjustment and adjustment range of S roll device are discussed .

  19. 火源探测是对煤层自然发火位置与范围的确定。

    Detecting of fire source is to determine the location and area of spontaneous combustion fire .

  20. 由于中国温度变化的幅度并未超过气候自然变率的范围,所以目前还不能确定这种变化是由人类活动引起的。

    Therefore , it is uncertain that the above temperature variation is caused by human activity .

  21. 然后笔者通过几个相近概念的区分,界定了自然保护区的范围。

    And author of several similar distinction between the concept of defining the scope of nature reserves .

  22. 根据振动频率,设计隔离装置的自然频率的合理范围。

    The optimal range of the natural frequencies of the isolation systems can be designed on the reference of vibration frequency of the pump installation .

  23. 为完成自然环境中大范围的环境监控,实现了一个运动目标检测、跟踪和判别系统。

    A system was developed to detect , track and classify moving objects in natural environments with a video camera fixed on a mobile platform .

  24. 它充分尊重和理解非生态主义的文学、理论和批评的价值,并把自己的领域严格限定在人与自然之关系的范围内。

    It respects and understands the value of non-ecological literature , theories and criticism and limits strictly its range to the relationship between man and nature .

  25. 肌肤色并不是很多人以为的“裸色”,而是指肌肤自然色调的实际范围。

    When we say flesh , we 're not talking about the color most brands call " nude " but instead the actual range of flesh toned colors .

  26. 近年来,各类自然灾害在全球范围内频频发生,而且爆发的规模不断扩大,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。

    In recent years , kinds of natural disasters happened more and more frequently worldwide , and the scale is bigger and bigger . It has brought great casualties and property losses .

  27. 因而本文主要探讨了如何根据维吾尔语的语言、语音特征,建立一个清晰、自然的、适用范围广泛的文语转换系统。

    Therefore , this article has a major discussion on how to create a well-fined , natural and widely-applicable speech synthesis system based on the features of the Uighur language and phonetics .

  28. 第三部分首先对中国西部科学院及其自然资源调查的范围作了介绍,然后就中国西部科学院的自然资源调查的主要活动和特点进行阐述。

    In part III the author introduces the Science Institute of West China , the scope of natural resources investigations , and then the main activities and characteristics of natural resources investigations of the Science Institute of West China .

  29. 人们不仅在循环经济中创造了价值而且保护、节省和储存了生态价值,因为循环经济拓宽了自然资源的利用范围,提高了单位资源的产出率,降低了单位产品的资源消耗。

    People not only create value and also protect , save and deposit ecological value because circulative economy widens the range of natural resources utilization , improves output efficiency of unit resource and lowers the consumption of resource per product .

  30. 目前,我国己有大约40%的自然湿地被纳入了自然保护区范围之中,得到了法律的保护。

    At present , there have been about 40 % of the natural wetland were included in the scope of nature reserve and got the protection of the law .