
  • 网络Input File;Import;Import File;InP
  1. LocalEnvironment树用于存储和传播输入文件元数据。

    The Local Environment tree is used for storing and propagating input file metadata .

  2. 对于输入文件stage,配置源文件的元数据和位置。

    For the input file stage , configure the metadata and location of the source file .

  3. 只要打开Search对话框并输入文件名即可。

    Just open the Search dialog and type in the name of the file .

  4. DB2UDBload工具非常高效地将一个或多个输入文件中的数据写到数据库表中。

    The DB2 UDB load utility very efficiently writes data from one or more input files to a database table .

  5. “Record”列将包含来自源文件夹的输入文件的内容。

    The " Record " column will contain the contents of the input files from the source folder .

  6. 包含需要分析的SQL语句的输入文件。

    I Input file containing the SQL statements to analyze .

  7. 选择WholeFile导致将输入文件的整个内容作为单个逻辑树通过消息流传播。

    Selecting Whole File causes the entire content of the input file to be propagated as a single logical tree through the message flow .

  8. 应该将下面几节中列出的XML片段插入到元素中以完成XML输入文件。

    The XML fragments listed in the following sections should be inserted inside the element to complete the XML input file .

  9. 在Filename字段输入文件名,然后单击Next来查看HTML模板选择器。

    Type the name of the file in the File name field , and click Next to see the HTML template chooser .

  10. DB2UDBimport工具将数据从输入文件写到数据库表或可更新视图。

    The DB2 UDB import utility writes data from an input file to a database table or updatable view .

  11. 获得了与映射文件关联的示例输入文件后,可以使用TestMap视图来测试映射文件。

    Once you have a sample input file associated with the map file , you can use the Test Map view to test the map file .

  12. 正确编辑/修改SCADA系统数据库输入文件

    Correct editing and / or modifying of SCADA data-base entry files

  13. 单击Browsei/p添加输入文件名。

    Click Browse I / p to add the name of your input file .

  14. 使用Saveselectedinputfileas工具栏按钮,对XML文件的修改还可以提交到一个新的输入文件。

    Changes to input XML files can also be committed to a new input file by using the Save selected input file as toolbar button .

  15. 编辑输入文件EDI855XMLInput.edi,修改Sender和ReceiverIDs,如下所示

    Edit the input file EDI_855_XMLInput.edi to modify the Sender and Receiver IDs , as shown below

  16. 并且,文中给出抽样的理论分析,证明抽取出的样本能够代替源输入文件进行key的频次估计。

    And the theoretical analysis of the sampling is given in this paper . It proves that samples can be instead of the source input files for computing the frequency of all keys .

  17. 点击底部的Browse按钮,选择将要被输入文件的文件夹。

    Click the bottom Browse button to choose the folder that the files will be imported into .

  18. Simple将XML输入文件转化成易于操作的Perl数据结构,然后将这种数据结构作为XML写回。

    XML : : Simple converts XML input files into an easily manipulated Perl data structure , and writes such data structures back out as XML .

  19. 目前,输入文件通常保存在与应用到的映射相同的项目中,显示在BusinessIntegration视图的Mapping>XMLMapTestData类别下。

    Currently , input files are generally saved in the same project as the maps they apply to and show up in the Business Integration view under the Mapping > XML Map Test Data category .

  20. 输入文件已是xsd架构。

    Input file is already an xsd schema .

  21. FileInput节点的RecordsandElements选项卡包括一个Recorddetection属性,此属性控制从单个输入文件产生多少次传播。

    The FileInput node 's Records and Elements tab includes a Record detection property , which controls how many propagations result from a single input file .

  22. FOrderCSVtoXML是一个功能映射,它类似于子例程,并且将用于逐一映射输入文件中的各记录。

    F_OrderCSVtoXML is a functional map , which is like a subroutine , and will be executed for mapping each record in the input file one-by-one .

  23. 顾名思义,行编辑器ed对输入文件的行执行编辑。

    As its name implies , the line editor , ed , performs edits on lines of input files .

  24. 输入文件可以来自文件系统或者URL,您也可以作为文本粘贴到工具中。

    The input file can be from a file system or a URL , or you can paste into the tool as text .

  25. 元素指定为优化选项之一,则xml输入文件中指定的优化选项将覆盖命令提示符中输入的任何优化选项。

    Element is also specified as one of the tuning options , the tuning options specified in the XML input file will override any tuning options entered from the command prompt .

  26. 它接受输入文件名称作为函数参数,在该文件中指定了关于RSS提要源的细节。

    It takes a function argument of an input filename , in which details about the RSS feed sources are specified .

  27. 您可以将PDF文档作为一个输入文件与适配器共享,该文档带有用户密码和所有者密码。

    You can share the PDF document as an input file with the adapter followed by the user password and owner password .

  28. 将该场景记录到SAPGUI中的一个批量输入文件中后,通过导入该批量输入文件在RationalPerformanceTester中创建了一个新测试。

    After recording the scenario to a batch input file in the SAP GUI , a new test should be created in Rational Performance Tester by importing the batch input file .

  29. 应该将输入文件编码为UTF-8或UTF-16格式。

    The input file should be encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format .

  30. 它使用正则表达式(现在已内置于JDK1.4中)来解析输入文件并创建一个XML副本。

    It uses regular expressions ( now built into JDK1.4 ) to parse the input file and create an XML counterpart .