
  • 网络blood transfusion infection
  1. 目前输血感染医疗纠纷被诉诸法院寻求法律途径解决的民事案件日趋增多。

    With the increasing consciousness of legal system , more medical dispute in blood transfusion infection was brought to the court .

  2. 输血感染作为医疗侵权损害责任的一种,长期以来在医患纠纷和诉讼中占有较大比例。

    As one of the Medical Tort Liability , blood transfusion infection occupied the majority percent in the patient disputes and litigation for a long time .

  3. 输血感染TT病毒的检测及致病性的研究

    Detection of TT Virus and Its Pathogenicity after Transfusion Infection

  4. 107例HIV阳性母亲,其中13例为输血感染,8例为产后输血感染,所生的8名子女均母乳喂养,其中3例感染HIV,则母乳传播HIV的率为37.5%(3/8)。

    Among 107 HIV positive mothers , there were 13 mother infected HIV by transfusion , and 8 women were transfused after post partum .

  5. 方法:对自愿献血者血液进行谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)、抗HCV、梅毒、抗HIV等五项输血感染指标实验室检测,对检测结果进行统计分析。

    Methods : Laboratory tests of the blood ALT , HBsAg , anti-HCV , Syphillis and anti-HIV in voluntary blood donors as infectious indicators for blood transfusion were conducted . The results were then analyzed statistically .

  6. 结果:本地区自愿献血者5项输血感染指标实验室结果总体阳性率为7.6%,其中ALT和HbsAg不合格是主要因素。

    Results : The total positive detection rate of all these 5 indicators among native voluntary blood donors was 7.6 % , among which the abnormal ALT and / or HBsAg were justified as major elements to cause the blood samples failed to use for the purpose of blood transfusion .

  7. 白细胞滤器降低临床输血感染的质量评价

    Quality Evaluation of Leucocyte Filter for Reduction of Blood Recipient Infection

  8. 无过错输血感染风险分担的法理探讨

    Approach to the risk sharing of non - default transfusion infection

  9. 无过错输血感染法律责任的承担

    The Burden of the Legal Liability of Infection in Transfusion without Fault

  10. 临床输血感染病毒相关法律问题研究

    The Research on the Interrelation Law Problems of Clinical Blood Transfusion Infection Virus

  11. 刍议输血感染案件的法律责任

    Legal liabilities on the cases of transfusion infection

  12. 江门市159721名自愿献血者五项输血感染指标检测结果分析

    Detection of 5 Infectious Indicators for Blood Transfusion Among 159 721 Voluntary Blood Donors in Jiangmen City

  13. 目的:调查本地区自愿献血者5项输血感染指标流行情况。

    Objective : To investigate the prevalence of 5 infectious indicators for blood transfusion among native voluntary blood donors .

  14. 有关输血感染损害赔偿等医疗纠纷是近来医学界、法律界所经常涉及的话题,对此的研究存在着诸多的观点。

    Dispute on compensation arising from transfusion infection is now become a hot topic for both medical and legal profession , over which there exist numerous viewpoints .

  15. 在40例患者中,由输血感染者33例,占82.5%,说明慢丙肝的主要感染途径仍为输血。

    In 40 patients , 33 patients infected by the blood , accounting for 82.5 % , indicating that chronic hepatitis C from blood transfusion remains the major route of transmission .

  16. 现行法律、法规规定无过错输血感染法律责任采过错责任归责原则,这种规定无法体现公平、公正的法律精神。

    The legal liability of infection in transfusion without fault according to valid law in our country is judged by the principle of fault , that provision can not bring the justice .

  17. 输血感染医疗损害赔偿是医疗纠纷中常见、多发案件,尤其是输血后感染丙肝的案件最为常见。

    During medical entanglements involving those who infected by a transfusion , the claim for medical compensation is one of the familiar cases , especially transfusion hepatitis C is the most common one .

  18. 它既是认定输血感染构成,处理输血感染纠纷的基本依据,也是指导输血感染损害赔偿的准则。

    The blood transfusion infection attribution rules are the basic criteria for identifying infected blood transfusion constituted , the fundamental basis dealing with for the dispute blood infection , and compensation for blood infection damages .

  19. 自1983年8月全国第一起输血感染乙肝、丙肝混合型肝炎案件之后,许多省、市先后出现了一系列输血感染丙肝的民事损害赔偿案件。

    In August 1983 , the first case of hepatitis B & C infected by transfusion occurred in our country , after that , a series of case followed , which claimed for the transfusion hepatitis civil compensation for the transfusion .

  20. 他因为输血而感染了艾滋病。

    He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion

  21. 文章回顾分析了西方主要国家输血后感染HIV事件的因果,及其由此而建立完善的血液安全管理制度及无过错赔偿方案的司法实践。

    This article reviews the causes and effects of HIV infection due to blood transfusion in the western countries . It also covers the perfect system of administration over blood security and judicial practice of non - fault and compensation program .

  22. 结论单纯HGV感染的献血员和输血后感染者均无病毒性肝炎的临床表现和ALT改变,与HGV作为一种重要肝炎病毒的观点不相符。

    Conclusion No clinical manifestation with viral hepatitis and no elevation in activity of serum ALT were found in blood donors and blood transfusion patients with infection of simple HGV , which did not conform to the view that HGV was an important hepatitis virus .

  23. 2563例输血前感染性指标结果分析

    Analysis of 2563 cases result of pre-transfusion infectious index

  24. 输血途径感染率为6.67%(3/45);

    HIV transmission through blood transfusion is 6.67 % ( 3 / 45 ) .

  25. 患者输血前感染性指标检测的临床意义

    Clinical significance of infectivity index detection before transfusion

  26. 输血前感染性指标检测5096例分析

    The analysis of the infected index of the examination results before a blood transfusion

  27. 戊型肝炎病毒核酸阳性血浆经输血传播感染恒河猴的研究

    Detection of hepatitis E virus on a blood donor and its infectivity to rhesus monkey

  28. 随着我国对于血液及血液制品开始规范化管理,由采血、输血途径感染艾滋病的比例正在逐年降低。

    With blood and blood products for the beginning of standardization of management , from blood , blood transfusion means the proportion of people living with HIV is decreasing .

  29. 41个国家无法对捐献的所有血液进行下列一种或多种输血传播感染筛查&艾滋病毒、乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎和梅毒。

    41 countries were not able to screen all blood donations for one or more of the following transfusion-transmissible infections ( TTIs )– HIV , hepatitis B , hepatitis C and syphilis .

  30. 结论输血前感染性指标检测可减少因输血引起的的医疗纠纷,有利于医务工作者的个人防护。

    Conclusion The conduct of the examination of the infected index before a blood transfusion can reduce the medical dispute caused by transfusion , thus benefit the self-protection of the medical personnel .