
  1. 建立完善的物种濒危等级评价程序并制定相关的指导性文件;

    Setting up assessment procedure and related regulations ;

  2. 中国植物红皮书第一卷将我国植物物种濒危等级标准划分为濒危、稀有和渐危3个等级。

    China Plant Red Data Book ( Vol.1 ) classified the threatened species as endangered , rare and vulnerable ones .

  3. 对照植物濒危等级和优先保护序列区域性评价标准,定量评价了植物物种濒危等级和优先保护等级。

    Contrasting to the standards of endangered grading and conservation priorities for plant species , we quantitatively evaluated the status of endangered and conservation priorities of plant species .

  4. 从物种濒危与保护等级划分的现状出发,对药用植物濒危与保护等级划分中存在的问题进行了分析。

    On the bases of present species endanger and protection levels , problems in the traditional Chinese medicine herbs are analyzed .

  5. 以物种濒危系数和物种优先保护系数分别度量物种濒危等级和优先保护程度。

    Endangerment coefficient described the endangerment category and conservation priorities coefficient described the preferential conservation of plant species .

  6. 国际上物种濒危状态评价工作呈现出以下几个方面的发展趋势:(1)物种濒危等级评价标准由定性指标向定量指标发展;

    Based on the above , the development trends in the endangerment assessment include : ( 1 ) the assessment criteria are developing from qualitative to quantitative ones ;

  7. 在此基础上,作者提出了我国在物种濒危状况评价中急需加强的3个方面的工作:(1)建立我国的物种濒危等级评价标准;

    At last , we put forward some suggestions on the species endangerment assessment in China : ( 1 ) establishing species endangerment criteria ;