
  • 网络Physical control;physical method
  1. 设施果树红蜘蛛的物理防治方法研究

    Study on Method of Physical Control Red Spider in Facilities Fruit-Tree

  2. 对枸杞储藏害虫的物理防治技术进行了初步研究。

    Physical control technique of medlar storage pests is studied primarily .

  3. 通过示范应用YW-3NB型纳米灯诱杀器,对大面积推广应用物理防治法控制甜菜夜蛾的危害以及完善有害生物综合防治技术进行了探讨。

    The application of YW-3NB nanometre lamp to trap and kill the beet armywoum were studied , and its future extension as one of physical control method in IPM were discussed .

  4. 从栽培措施、化学防治、物理防治等方面对猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病的防治技术进行了研究。

    The integrated techniques of controlling bacterial canker disease in kiwifruit were studied .

  5. 卫生害虫物理防治中电磁技术的应用前景

    Prospect of electromagnetism technology in hygiene pest control

  6. 物理防治在控制豇豆虫害中的作用

    The Effect on Physical Control of Cowpea Pest

  7. 农业害虫农业防治和物理防治方法的研究

    Effective Control Way of the Pests

  8. 防治方法有农业防治、物理防治、化学防治、生物防治等。

    The control methods have agricultural control 、 physical control 、 chemical control , and biological control .

  9. 害虫防治以化学防治为主,同时辅以物理防治与农业防治,极少数的害虫防治中用到生物防治措施。

    Most insect pests preventions are chemistry measures , complement physics and agriculture measures and a few of biological measures .

  10. 灯光诱杀害虫是重要的物理防治手段,而影响诱虫灯诱虫效果的因素也有很多。

    Insect light trap is an important measure of physical control and there are many factors affecting the attraction of insects .

  11. 由于其遗传变异程度高,基因型丰富,因此筛选合适的专一性病害、草食昆虫比较困难,不适合使用杂草的生物防治策略。控制应在种子成熟以前进行,以化学防治和物理防治为佳。

    High genetic diversity hints that biological control of this weed seems difficult and chemical or physical methods should be utilized to its control .

  12. 并且,对这些病害的防治主要是采取物理防治和化学防治,防效差且造成农药残留。

    Also , physical control and chemical control are usually taken to control these diseases . The methods have Anti-bad effect and will cause pesticide residues .

  13. 并系统的提出了植物检疫、农业防治、物理防治、化学防治和生物防治等较为有效的菟丝子综合治理技术体系。

    The technique system of integration dodder management on alfalfa including plant quarantine , agricultural and biological prevention and chemical and biological control are put forward .

  14. 绿色储粮技术主要包括干燥储粮、低温储粮、气调储粮、生物防治、物理防治及习性防治等。

    The green grain storage technology contain the dry storage , low-temperature storage , air-control storage , biological protection , physical protection , and character storage , etc.

  15. 对于根结线虫的防治,除了利用抗病寄主、轮作和物理防治以外,化学防治是控制蔬菜根结线虫病的重要措施。

    Besides of use of resistance cultivars , agricultural practice and physical measurement , use of chemical nematicides and fumigants is an important means of controlling root-knot nematodes .

  16. 就输气管道中水合物的形成条件进行了分析,提出了相应的物理防治措施和化学防治措施。

    In the article , the formation condition of hydrate in gas pipeline is also analyzed , and the physical and chemical measures against the hydrate is put forward .

  17. 为抑制其种群蔓延,前人开展了化学防治、物理防治、植物替代和生物防治等对豚草的防控研究。

    To suppress the spread of the ragweed , there have been a lot of studies on their chemical control , physical control , plant displacement and biological control .

  18. 提出加强农业防治,优先物理防治,提倡生物防治,巧用化学防治,使其生产过程真正符合绿色食品生产的要求。

    In order to conform to the requirements for the green food production , it is put forward that to strengthen the agricultural prevention , take physical prevention in priority , call for biological prevention and use chemical prevention cleverly .

  19. 即在系统研究荔枝果园昆虫群落的基础上,以无公害生态调控技术为指导,结合农业防治、生物防治、物理防治、遗传防治及必要的化学防治等多种措施,达到害虫持续控制的目的。

    The control of the litchi-pests will be hold by the non-harmful ecological control technique , which intergrated many of pest control methods , such as agricultural control , biological control , physical control , genetic control and necessary chemical control .

  20. 把天敌的利用和生物物理防治方法组装配套,形成苹果害虫绿色管理体系,可大幅度减少化学农药的使用量,降低果品农残污染。

    With the combination of natural enemy and Biophysical control , this could form green management system to apple pests , we can reduce the use of chemistry , agricultural chemicals , and to reduce the remainder of chemistry agricultural chemicals in apples .

  21. 病害主要预防白粉病、小叶病,虫害重点防治红蜘蛛、卷叶虫等,在防治中应采用农业防治、生物防治和物理防治相结合的办法,按照无公害苹果病虫防治历进行。

    In order to prevent the diseases , such as powdery mildew lobular disease and the insect pest , such as red spider and leaf-roller moth , we should adopt the prevention and control method that combining agricultural , biological and physical prevention and control .

  22. 物理机械防治法对大沙鼠的防治效果不理想。

    Physical mechanical control method of prevention and treatment of Great Gerbils is not satisfied .

  23. 在周期性呼吸末予物理刺激防治早产儿呼吸暂停的探讨

    Prevention of Respiration Stop of Preterm Infant by Physical Stimulation at the End of Respiratory Cycle

  24. 本文根据长期工作经验介绍了地下虫害的化学防治、物理机械防治和林业防治方法。

    The paper introduces chemical control , physical control and forestry control of urder ground pest on the basis of long term of work experience .

  25. 草地蝗虫吸捕机是一种采用物理方法防治草原蝗虫的新型植保机械。

    The pneumatic grassland locust trapping machine is a new kind of plant protecting machine which adopts physics method to prevent and control grassland locust .

  26. 茶园蜘蛛的保护、利用措施有:加强蛛虫测报、采用配套的农业措施、应用物理机械防治和科学合理使用农药。

    Utilization and protection of spiders in tea garden have forecast the number of spiders and pests accordingly , Adoption of farming method , Application of physical and artificial method application of pesticide reasonably .

  27. 方法采用以治理环境为主的生态防治措施,结合物理和化学防治为辅的综合防治方法。

    Methods Ecological control measures in combination with physical control and chemical control measures .

  28. 兰州山谷大气污染的物理机制与防治对策

    Atmosphere pollution mechanism along with prevention and cure countermeasure of the Lanzhou hollow basin

  29. 利用生物防治和综合防治技术可有效防控病虫害发生,并且降低化学药剂在环境中的残留,结合物理、化学防治技术将会实现农田防护林病虫害的科学防控。

    Use of biological control and integrated control techniques can be effective prevention and control of pests and diseases , and reduce chemical residues in the environment , combined with the physical , chemical control technology will achieve the scientific pest prevention and control of farmland shelterbelt .

  30. 概述了管道水合物形成机理和条件,以及目前水合物的物理和化学的防治方法。

    The article summarizes the hydrates formation principle and condition in pipelines , and its physics and chemistry prevention method at present .