
  • 网络agricultural control
  1. 农业防治方法是控制该虫为害的有效途径。

    The agricultural control method is rather effective in controlling this pest .

  2. 防治方法有农业防治、物理防治、化学防治、生物防治等。

    The control methods have agricultural control 、 physical control 、 chemical control , and biological control .

  3. 农业防治是减轻危害的重要措施;

    The agricutural prevention is an important measure to lessen the harm .

  4. 综合防治技术是根据不同作物在不同生长时期综合应用农业防治、化学防治等多种方法,它是改善农业生态环境的有效措施。

    Integrating control technology is the effective measure to improve agricultural environment .

  5. 进一步研究农业防治,结合生物防治、化学防治等措施来防治蚜虫。

    Study agricultural measures and combine biological control and chemical measures to control aphid .

  6. 翌年5~7月幼虫在棉田取食棉叶,以农业防治为主再结合适当药剂防治可控制危害。农业防治在新的形势下要有新的内涵。

    To correspond with the new situation , agricultural control must be given new concept .

  7. 此外,也介绍了农业防治措施及其它非化学的有效防治手段等。

    In addition , the paper also introduced agricultural control measures and other effective non chemical control methods .

  8. 本文提出适合江西棉区推广应用的棉铃虫综合治理措施,包括种植抗虫棉、农业防治、化学防治等。

    Planting resistant cotton varieties , agricultural and chemical control are important measures of integrated management of cotton bollworm .

  9. 害虫防治以化学防治为主,同时辅以物理防治与农业防治,极少数的害虫防治中用到生物防治措施。

    Most insect pests preventions are chemistry measures , complement physics and agriculture measures and a few of biological measures .

  10. 提出以农业防治为基础,药剂防治为辅助的综合防治策略。

    It is suggested that the strategy of IPM is relied mainly on agricultural control while making chemical control subsidiary .

  11. 冬季进行农业防治,包括清除、烧毁病枝落叶、施用石硫合剂。

    Conducting agricultural control in winter , i.e.clearing away and burning diseased branches and leaves , applying Lime sulphur one times .

  12. 并从农业防治、推广抗虫品种、改进化防技术等方面提出了防治对策。

    The controlling measures are put forward as agricultural control , using cotton bollworm resistance varieties , improving the technique of chemical control .

  13. 采取严格检疫,农业防治、物理机械、化学防治等措施,能有效控制有害生物的传播蔓延。

    Adopting rigid quarantine , agricultural control , physical control , chemical control and so on may effectively control the dissemination and spread of pests .

  14. 介绍大豆胞囊线虫病的症状、发生原因和特点,并提出以农业防治和化学防治相结合的综合防治措施。

    This paper introduces the typical symptom and occurrence reason of soybean cyst nematode and control managements by the combination of agricultural and chemical methods .

  15. 结论认为广佛手病害的防治应采取预防为主、综合防治的原则,将农业防治、生物防治和药剂防治相结合。

    Conclusion To control them effectively , prevention is most important , and agricultural methods , biologic methods and chemical germicides should be used together .

  16. 对火龙果茎腐病主要采取农业防治,及时清除病残体,减少病菌的繁殖、传播和蔓延。

    Agricultural measures were usually taken to control stem rot disease in pitaya , which can effectively reduce propagation , transmission and spreading of the disease .

  17. 在防治方法设计上,采用抗病品种、培育壮苗,农业防治、科学管理、生态防治、药剂防治等技术措施,取得较好效果。

    We introduced resistant varieties , breeding quality seedling , agriculture control , scientific management , bionomics control and pesticide control , which had good effect .

  18. 建议采用农业防治、生物防治和化学防治相结合的方法综合治理,达到消除虫源的目的。

    In this paper , the integrated control with the combination of agricultural control , biological and chemical control was suggested in eliminating the insect source .

  19. 并系统的提出了植物检疫、农业防治、物理防治、化学防治和生物防治等较为有效的菟丝子综合治理技术体系。

    The technique system of integration dodder management on alfalfa including plant quarantine , agricultural and biological prevention and chemical and biological control are put forward .

  20. 建立的系统模型能够提供包括农业防治、生物防治和化学防治措施在内的、对三化螟种群实施有效管理的最优决策方案。

    The system model can provide on optimal decision strategy to effectively control PSB population , which contains measures of agricultural control , biological control and chemical control .

  21. 采取种苗处理、合理密植、加强田管、注意选留种株是防治本病的有效农业防治措施;

    The effection agricultural prevention and cure way to this disease is watercress seedling treatment , rational close planting , strengthening field managment and paying attention to seed selection and reservation .

  22. 由于小菜蛾的抗性日益严重,使传统的防治方法,如化学防治、农业防治和生物防治难以有效地控制小菜蛾的为害。

    The resistance of the pest is increasing severely , which made it difficult to control effectively by traditional control methods , such as , chemical , agricultural and biological methods .

  23. 同时以农业防治为基础,全面提高植株健身控害栽培技术水平,及时有效地控制病害蔓延为害,从而达到增产增收的目的。

    At the same time , based on the agricultural control , comprehensively improving the cultivation techniques of eggplant and timely controlling the spread of disease could increase the yield and income .

  24. 通过对油菜菌核病的发生流行规律及影响因素进行分析和总结,提出了以农业防治为主,其它防治为辅的综合防治策略。

    Based on the analysis and conclusion of the occurrence rule and influential factors , the integrated control strategy of giving priority to agriculture , supplemented by other control was put forward .

  25. 应用群落结构、种群动态、相对丰富度等指标,对不同农业防治措施下,麦(玉米)&棉复合生态系统中节肢动物群落,及其各类群的结构与动态进行了研究。

    The structure and dynamics of the arthropod community and groups in whcat ( maize ) - cotton system were studied at different agricultural measures by using richness , mean density , diversity and evenness indices .

  26. 为了解决东北地区主要农作物病虫草害的鉴别、农药误用以及农业防治有关的问题,东北农业大学杂草教研室着手开发了农田病虫草害信息查询系统软件。

    Our office staffs developed " farmland disease pest and weed information inquiry system " software in order to solved the problem of the main crop disease pest and weed identification , herbicide misapplication and agricultural control .

  27. 提出加强农业防治,优先物理防治,提倡生物防治,巧用化学防治,使其生产过程真正符合绿色食品生产的要求。

    In order to conform to the requirements for the green food production , it is put forward that to strengthen the agricultural prevention , take physical prevention in priority , call for biological prevention and use chemical prevention cleverly .

  28. 即在系统研究荔枝果园昆虫群落的基础上,以无公害生态调控技术为指导,结合农业防治、生物防治、物理防治、遗传防治及必要的化学防治等多种措施,达到害虫持续控制的目的。

    The control of the litchi-pests will be hold by the non-harmful ecological control technique , which intergrated many of pest control methods , such as agricultural control , biological control , physical control , genetic control and necessary chemical control .

  29. 在害虫生态控制中,化学农药的使用将越来越少,抗性品种、生物防治、农业防治、生物农药等的应用将越来越多。

    In ecological pest management ( EPM ), the chemical pesticides will be used less and less , mean while , the resistant varieties , biological control methods , agricultural control methods and biological pesticides will be used more and more .

  30. 1999年以来,上海地区水稻螟虫发生严重,通过农业防治和调整防治策略,以及选用治螟药剂为重点的综合治理措施,有效地控制了螟虫发生危害的上升态势,取得了较好的成效。

    Since 1999 the damage caused by rice stem borers has been heavy in the suburbs of Shanghai , but the upward damage situation has been effectively controlled by means of adjusting the controlling strategy , adopting agricultural integrated control and selecting effective pesticides .