
  1. 4种农药流失性质的研究

    Study on the Properties of Draining Loss of Four Kinds of Pesticide

  2. 大连市化肥农药流失入海量分析

    The amount analysis on fertilizer and pesticide into sea area in Dalian

  3. 水溶性农药流失的影响因素及污染防治

    Affecting Factors and Pollution Prevention and Control of Water Soluble Pesticides in Rice Field Draining Loss

  4. 保护农业生态环境,实现农业可持续发展是我国现代化建设中必须坚持的一项基本方针。影响农业生态环境的因素主要有:化肥流失、农药流失、农用地膜等。

    This paper introduced the factors of influence agricultural environment as the driftage of fertilizer and pesticide , the utilization of farming film and so on .

  5. 第一次农药流失发生在施药后第二天,其中随径流水流失的氟磺胺草醚含量是随土壤流失的4.8倍,且随着时间推移他们之间比率逐渐下降,最后水中则无残留存在;

    Occurring at day 2 after application , the first runoff of fomesafen by water was 4.8 times to that by sediment , the ratio gradually decreased .

  6. 该模型将农业结构调整与经济预测、化肥与农药的流失控制以及畜禽粪便污染联系起来,动态地分析规划年份的浦东新区农业生产结构,确定了农业内部结构调整的方针。

    The model connects agricultural structure regulation with economical forecasting , runoff control of chemical fertilizer pesticide and pollution of excrement urine of livestock . It analyses the agricultural structure of planning years dynamically and determines the principle of agricultural interior structure regulation .

  7. 与传统耕作相比,管理措施中的保持耕作措施能减少农药随径流流失的量和增加淋溶量。

    In general , conservative tillage can reduce pesticide loss from surface runoff and increase pesticide leaching , comparing to conventional tillage .

  8. 通过大田试验和测坑试验,研究了水溶性农药的稻田流失特性及其影响因素,在此基础上得到了杀虫单和乐果的稻田流失量。

    Through fields-scale experiment and leaching-pond experiment , characteristics of the loss of water-resolvable pesticides from rice fields and their affecting factors were studied .

  9. 不合理的灌溉排水措施造成了农药化肥的大量流失,导致了稻田周围水体的污染,同时也会影响水稻的生长发育和最终的产量。

    Unreasonable irrigation and drainage measures caused a huge loss of pesticides and chemical fertilizers , and it led to water pollution around the paddy fields , and it will also affected the growth and development of the rice and production eventually .

  10. 虽然农药在农业生产中有着重要的作用,但是农药流失到环境中,会对人、畜、环境生物和水、大气、土壤等环境要素造成污染和危害。

    Pesticides play an important role in agricultural production , but the loss of pesticides cause pollutions and dangers to environmental elements , including human , animal , environmental biotechnology , water , air , soil , and so on .

  11. 与常规农药剂型相比,微胶囊制剂具有延长持效期、提高农药有效利用率、减少农药的分解流失、降低毒性和药害、减少环境污染等特点。

    Compared with common pesticide formulations , microcapsules have many advantages such as prolong controlling effect , improve using efficiency , avoid decomposition and invalidation , abate toxicity and harmfulness , reduce environment pollution , and so on .