- 名Agricultural University

The trend has been charted by soil scientist Zhang Fusuo of China Agricultural University in Beijing and colleagues .
Statistical Analysis on Papers from Southwest Agricultural University Collected by SCI
Analysis of Scientific Publications of China Agricultural University Collected by SCI in 2002
Statistics and Analyses of Scientific Documents Published by Nanjing Agricultural University Collected by CAB
The SV organic and mineral fertilizer was a new fertilizer made in Shanxi Agricultural University .
The authors have designed a management system for wood specimens by applying Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 language . Functional modules of the system include retrieval , input , statistics , printing and maintenance .
Development and Research of Virtual Reference Service Present Situation of E-book in NAU Library and Countermeasures
Soil from the test-field of CAU was the topsoil of 0 ~ 10cm depth .
On the basis of Campus Network of Shanxi Agricultural University , DNS 's defect , from the operating system of windows 2000 server were studied .
Random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) were applied to detect genetic diversity of bulking samples of 11 Dioscorea zingiberensis populations and 4 other Dioscorea populations from Dioscorea resources plot of Huazhong Agricultural University .
An accounting system based on LDAP was used for identity authentication in Inner Mongolia Agricultural University campus network . It resolved the problems about the users management and network cost management .
Six of the 28 SSR markers were developed by National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement ( NKLCGI ) using DNA sequences from GenBank and the other 22 were from data published previously .
This study from jilin agricultural university soybean in soil a test-bed for screening plant high yield butanol strains , named for the X3 .
Specimens are deposited in Herbarium of Mycology of Jilin Agricultural University ( HMJAU ) .
Field measurements conducted in the farms of Southwest Agricultural University and South China Agricultural University showed that long term flooding was the main factor causing high CH 4 emission during the rice growing period in Southwest China .
The type specimen is deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Yunnan Agricultural University ( MHYAU ) .
All the specimens are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Xinjiang Agricultural University ( MHAAC ) .
Specimens of the fungi are deposited in the Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University , Department of Plant Pathology ( HSAUP ) .
The HZAU scientists mapped the relevant gene site on chromosome seven and located the specific gene named Ghd7 .
The type specimens are deposited in the Forest Protection Laboratory of Anhui Agricultural University ( AAUFP ), Hefei .
As a part of TYZ 3 intelligent soil nutrition gauge , the conductivity gauge reached the aim mentioned above .
The new combination of waxy maize Wxn × Wxa was selected by college of agronomy in agricultural university of Shandong .
The experiment had been carried out in college of horticulture science and engineering , Shandong Agriculture University from 2007 to 2008 with Four-year-old kansu peach ' Taiwan farmers sweet '( Prunus persica cv . tainongtianmi ) in solar greenhouse .
Based on the analysis of cytoplasmic like-plasmid , WB-a new male sterile cytoplasm identified recently by Huazhong Agricultural University was found to contain S_1 and S_2-type plasmids . The result indicated that WB was further confirmed belonging to S-group cytoplasmic male sterility .
At the same time , using the main QTL molecular markers developed by us and China Agricultural University , Combining marker-assisted selection and conventional breeding , making use of the methods of hybrid-backcrossing then self-crossing , molecular marker breeding platform of corn Head Smut resistance will be build .
A steel and membrane structure is planed to build in South China Agricultural University . The span of the main arch is 103m and the span of the minor arch is 21m .
When applied - N amount was more than 300Kg / hm2 , the contents of some cations , which effect on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation , was declined significantly , thus , total-N decreased in leaves of swamp cabbage .
– Jech * All specimens ( dried cultures ) and living cultures studied are deposited in the Herbarum Shandong Agriculture University , Plant Pathology ( HSAUP ), at the same time all isolates are deposited properly .
The result of nutrition survey of intellectuals over sixty years old in Fujian Agricultural University were as follows : ( 1 ) The daily average intakes of energy and V B2 ( 91.2 % and 98.3 % , respectively ) amounted to recommended daily allowance ( RDA );
An analysis was given to the ingredient of five transgenic insect-resistant glandless cotton , which were named KW1 , KW2 , KW3 , KW4 and KW5 by the Cotton Institute of Agriculture University of Hebei .