
  • 网络ecological adaptation;ecological adaption;ecological fitness;Ecological adaptability
  1. 高原号春小麦品种生态适应性研究

    Study on Ecological Adaptation of " Plateau No. " Spring Wheat

  2. 太行山区日本甜柿引种的气候生态适应性研究

    Climate ecological adaptation of sweet persimmon introduction in Taihang mountain area

  3. 这些现象充分说明了C3和C4植物在光生态适应性上的不同特点。

    We can conclude that C_3 and C_4 plants are different in adaptability of photo-ecology .

  4. 沙棘(Hippophae)土著种和外来种对干旱胁迫的生态适应性分析

    Analysis on the Ecological Adaptability to Drought Stress of Hippophae Native Species and External Species

  5. 中国沙棘(Hippophaerhamnoidessubsp.sinensis)雌雄株的水分生态适应性研究

    Studies on Water Ecological Adaptability of Female and Male of Hippophae Rhamnoides Subsp . Sinensis

  6. DCA排序将65个种分为5个种组,各种组在排序轴上的位置反映了种组成员的生态适应性及其在群落中的重要性和更新生态位。

    65 species are divided into 5 groups by DCA ordination , the seat of 5 groups on the ordination axle of DCA has reflected their ecology adaptability and importance and regeneration niche in the community .

  7. 菊芋(Helianthustuberosus)是菊科向日葵属多年生草本植物,具有很强的生态适应性,现广泛种植于世界各地。

    The Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosus ) is belong to Helianthus as a perennial herb , which has a strong ecological adaptability and is widely grown all around the world .

  8. 对蝎子草属(Girardinia)植物的分布及生态适应性进行了研究,首次揭示了该属植物的世界分布及中国分布的规律性,界定了植物的生活型,阐述了植物的生态特征。

    This paper studied distribution and ecological adaptability of girardinia plant , first brought to light the laws of their world distribution and Chinese distribution , Divided plant life form , expounded plant ecological characteristics .

  9. 以30a的气象资料和8种作物生长发育特性为基础,运用模糊数学的隶属函数原理分析中国红黄壤地区作物生长的气候生态适应性。

    On the basis of the meteorologic data in 30 years and the growing and developing character of 8 crops , the climatic ecology adaptability of the crop production in the red and yellow soils region of China is analyzed with the principle of subordinative function of fuzzy mathematics .

  10. 经济作物引种气候生态适应性浅议

    Climate ecology adaptability of economic crop varieties introduced in Shanghai area

  11. 新疆优良冬小麦在湖北的生态适应性研究

    Study on Ecological Adaptability of Xinjiang Improved Winter Wheat in HuBei

  12. 水蚀地造林树种生态适应性研究

    Study on Ecological Adaptability of afforesting tree species in water-eroded lands

  13. 绿洲农区棉花生产的生态适应性分析

    Analysis on ecological adaptability of cotton in agricultural regions of oasis

  14. 塔拉的生态适应性及其在云南适生区域的划分

    Ecological Adaptability of Caesalpinia spinosa and Division of Its Normal Region

  15. 江苏省大麦品种资源的生育期及生态适应性表现

    Growing Season and Ecological Type of Barley Germplasm Resources in Jiangsu

  16. 传统民居的生态适应性与现代居住建筑设计

    The Ecological Adaptability of Traditional Houses and Modern Residential Building Design

  17. 西番莲引种及生态适应性初步观察

    The Study on the Introduction and Ecological Adaptation of the Passionfruit

  18. 宿9604小麦新品种生态适应性综合分析

    The Integrated Analysis of the Ecological Adaptability of New Wheat Variety-Su 9604

  19. 纹瓣悬铃花的生物学特性与生态适应性研究

    Study on the Biological Characteristic and Ecological Adaptability of Abution striatum Dickson

  20. 同时在湖南新化县开展了罗汉果引种栽培的生态适应性试验。

    The zoology adaptability test was taken in Xinhua Hunan as well .

  21. 黄河三角洲地区苜蓿生态适应性研究

    Study on the Adaptation of Alfalfa in Yellow River Delta

  22. 红树林生态适应性及其在净化水质中的作用

    Adaptability of Mangrove Ecosystems and Their Role in Water Purification

  23. 狗牙根种质资源在渝西地区的生态适应性评价

    The ecological adaptability evaluation of Bermudagrass germplasm in western Chongqing

  24. 根瘤菌与大豆在不同类型土壤中的生态适应性研究

    Studies on ecological adaptability of rhizobium to soybean and soil

  25. 引种的红树植物生理生态适应性研究

    Studies On Physiological and Ecological Adaptability of Introduced Mangrove Plants

  26. 旱地油瓜在山西的生态适应性分析

    The Ecological Adaptability Analysis in Shanxi Province about Oil Dry Land Melon

  27. 高羊茅草坪草在贵州南部地区的生态适应性研究

    Study on ecological adaptability of tall fescue turf in southern Guizhou province

  28. 皂荚一年生幼苗对不同光照强度的生态适应性

    The Ecological Adaptation of 1-year Gleditsia sinensis Seedling to Different Light Intensities

  29. 夏播小麦生态适应性研究初探

    Preliminary study of ecological adaptability of summer - sown wheat

  30. 迷迭香在黔南的生态适应性及繁殖技术

    Eco-adaptability and Reproduction Technique of Rosmarinus offcinalis in Qiannan Region of Guizhou