
  • 网络Growth hormone deficiency;GHD;growth hormone deficiency,GHD;AGHD
  1. 与此同时,生长激素缺乏症铁,三维电影和游戏效果支持也越来越大来源。

    Meanwhile , ghd iron , support for3D effects in films and games is also growing source .

  2. 方法用平衡法核素心血池显象技术及运动试验对特发性生长激素缺乏症(IGHD)患者在GH治疗前后进行左心室功能评价。

    Methods Cardiac performance was investigated by equilibrium radionuclide angiography and exercise tolerance test before and after GH treatment in 67 patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency ( IGHD ) and in 10 healthy children .

  3. TRH兴奋试验在生长激素缺乏症患儿中的意义

    Significance of TRH test in children growth homone deficiency

  4. 目的生长激素缺乏症(growthhormonedeficiency,GHD)是导致儿童身材矮小的重要原因。

    Objective Growth hormone deficiency ( GHD ) is the important cause of short stature in children and GH-replacement therapy has been recommended for treatment of GHD .

  5. 思增(SAIZEN)治疗生长激素缺乏症21例

    Report on treatment of 21 patients with growth hormone deficiency with Saizen

  6. 国产r-hGH治疗儿童生长激素缺乏症的效果及其对病儿血糖、胃肠激素和维生素D代谢的影响

    The therapeutic effect of China-made recombinant human growth hormone on children with growth hormone deficiency and its influence on the serum levels of glucose , gastrin and vitamin D

  7. 磁共振成像在生长激素缺乏症中的应用

    Use of cranial MRI in children with growth hormone deficiency

  8. 生长激素缺乏症病儿的生长激素释放激素激发试验

    The growth hormone-releasing hormone provocative test in children with growth hormone deficiency disease

  9. 32例生长激素缺乏症患者的心功能探讨

    Cardiac performance in 32 patients with growth hormone deficiency

  10. 生长激素缺乏症治疗后骨龄的变化

    Effect of the Therapy on Bone Age in Patients with Growth Hormone Deficiency

  11. 家庭护理指导对生长激素缺乏症疗效的影响

    Influence of Family Nursing Direction on the Treatment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Children

  12. 雷弗奴尔引产胎儿垂体移植治疗生长激素缺乏症

    Rivanol-induced Fetal Pituitary Transplantation Treating Growth Hormone Deficiency

  13. 成人生长激素缺乏症的诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and Management of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

  14. 方法:采用追踪调查方法观察了48名特发性生长激素缺乏症病人,经十年远期身高随访。

    Methods : To observe the height of 48 children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency by tracing method in ten years .

  15. 生长激素缺乏性侏儒症

    Growth hormone deficiency dwarfism

  16. 生长激素缺乏性侏儒症基因治疗前瞻性研究:重组人生长激素非病毒载体基因治疗体内实验安全性观察

    Q & A on Sex Prospective study on gene therapy for growth hormone deficiency dwarfism : in vivo experimental safety of gene therapy of recombinant human growth hormone non-viral vector

  17. 应用吡啶斯的明(PD)对15例正常儿童和16例生长激素(GH)缺乏症病儿进行GH激发试验,用放射免疫法测定GH。

    Growth hormone ( GH ) provocative test was done by oral administration of pyridostigmine ( PD ) in 15 healthy children and 16 patients with GH deficiency disease . The levels of GH were measured by radioimmunoassay .

  18. 重组人生长激素治疗生长激素缺乏症疗效观察

    The therapeutic effect of recombinant growth hormone in children of growth hormone deficient

  19. 重组人生长激素对生长激素缺乏症患儿成年身高的影响

    Effect of recombinant human growth hormone on final adult height in children with growth hormone deficiency

  20. 骨龄和遗传身高对重组人生长激素治疗生长激素缺乏症患儿疗效的影响

    Effects of Bone Age and Inherit Height on Therapeutic Effect of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency

  21. 生物工程合成生长激素对生长激素缺乏性侏儒症血浆脂肪酸的急性作用

    Acute effect of r-hGH on plasma FFA in dwarfs with growth hormone deficiency

  22. 目的:通过重组人生长激素基因细胞移植为生长激素缺乏症(GHD)基因治疗的生物学表达研究奠定基础。

    Objective : To lay the foundation of biological expression studies of growth hormone deficiency gene therapy with transplanting cell of recombinant human growth hormone gene in vivo .

  23. 国产重组人生长激素治疗特发性生长激素缺乏症的疗效

    The efficacy of domestic recombinant human growth hormone in treatment of idiopathic growth deficiency children

  24. 正常人生长激素基因簇的结构分析及生长激素缺乏症的DNA诊断

    Structure of human growth hormone cluster and DNA diagnosis of IGHD IA

  25. 垂体特异转录因子Pit-1蛋白调节垂体生长激素基因表达的作用及其在生长激素缺乏症发病中的意义

    The Effect of Pituitary Specific Transcription Factor-Pit-1 on Pituitary GH Gene Expression and Its Role in the Pathogenesis of Growth Hormone Deficiency

  26. 目的评价用人重组生长激素(r-hGH)治疗原发性生长激素缺乏症患者时心脏结构和功能变化。

    To evaluate changes in cardiac structure and function in GHD patients treated with recombinant human growth hormone ( r-hGH ) .

  27. 应用体外静脉注射生长激素释放激素(GHRH)对31例生长激素缺乏症病儿(其中男21例,女10例,年龄3.6~16岁)进行激发试验,并进行生长激素(GH)放射免疫测定。

    Growth hormone ( GH ) provocative test was done by intravenous injection of growth-hormone-releasing hormone ( GHRH ) in 31 children with GH deficiency disease ( male 21 , female 10 ; age 3.6 ~ 16 yr ), and the levels of GH were measured by radioimmunoassay .

  28. 生长激素运动筛查试验与生长激素激发试验对生长激素缺乏症诊断价值的比较

    Comparison of Diagnostic Value of Growth Hormone Exercise Test and Growth Hormone Provocative Test on Growth Hormone Deficiency

  29. 目的以人工合成多聚物5%聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)为基因治疗载体,研究人生长激素基因骨骼肌肌肉注射方法在生长激素(GH)缺乏症模型鼠中的表达。

    Objective To study hGH gene expression in the hypophysectomized rats using PVP as the gene vector .

  30. 重组人生长激素治疗骨龄13~17岁的特发性生长激素缺乏性矮小症

    Application of recombinant human growth hormone in idiopathic growth hormone deficient children with bone ages between 13 and 17 years