
mǎ fēi shòu tǐ
  • morphine receptor;morphinic receptor
  1. 提示:吗啡受体的兴奋可能是引起气管平滑肌收缩的机制之一。

    The results indicated that the excitation of morphine receptor in trachea may be one of the mechanisms of the contraction of the trachea .

  2. β-内啡肽可能通过与吗啡竞争结合吗啡受体,发挥止痛作用,从而维持或降低吗啡的用量。

    It is possible that P - endorphine may relieve pain and remain or even decrease the usage dose of morphine when competing with morphine to conjugate morphine receptor .

  3. 结论口服抗痛粉可以和外周吗啡受体结合产生镇痛作用,60、120mg/kg浓度的抗痛粉所产生的强镇痛效应在90min内几乎与吗啡2mg/kg的相同。

    Conclusions Anti-pain powder by oral administration combined with peripheral opioid receptors could have analgesic action . 60 and 120 mg / kg of anti-pain powder could have similarly strong analgesic action as 2 mg / kg of morphine .

  4. 近年来,随着多种吗啡受体的发现,吗啡激动剂和拮抗剂的问世,阿片类药物依赖性治疗和预防的研究取得了很大进展。

    Recently , much progress has made in the treatment programs with the discovery on opioid receptors and a series of agonists and antagonists .

  5. 而镇痛作用具有中枢性,与吗啡受体无直接关系,但与脑内单胺类介质有关。

    The analgesic effect of Crystal-8 appears to be of a central nature , unrelated to the morphine receptors , but related , to the monoamine transmitters in the brain .

  6. 结论:胍丁胺调节阿片依赖可能与其逆转吗啡对NMDA受体亚基数量和构成的调节有关。

    Conclusion : The mechanism of regulation of agmatine on opioid dependence is related to the reverse effect on the NMDA receptors ′ level and construction .

  7. 吗啡是d-鸦片受体的激活剂,产生一系列应激反应。

    Morphine is the d-opiate receptor activator and induces a series of stress response .