
  1. 朝鲜后期农书中的水稻品种分析

    A Study of Rice Varieties in Late Choson Dynasty

  2. 《四时纂要》是我国古代著名农书。

    Essential Farm Activities in All Four Sensons is a famous agricultural book in our Country .

  3. 经学方法与古代农书的编纂&以《齐民要术》为例《史记》农史信息研究

    A research between the study method of confucian classics and the ancient agricultural study from Qi Min Yao Shu

  4. 古代农书中天文及术数内容的来源及流变&以《四时纂要》为中心的考察

    Sources and Changes of Astronomical and Divinatory Content in Ancient Chinese Agricultural Treatises : Observations Centered on the Outline of the Four Seasons

  5. 《农书》是我国古代附有图谱之作的农书中最有影响的科学文献之一。

    The Book on Farming by Wang Zhen is one of the most valuable ancient scientific literatures with a collection of illustrative plants atlas .

  6. 明末湖州稻作与灾害防治问题&以沈氏《农书》为基础的考察

    Problem of preventing and controlling disasters in Huzhou rice production during the late-Ming dynasty : A study based on Shen 'S Book on Agriculture

  7. 最后对这一时期的蚕桑类农书进行了特征描述,展示了这一时期的农书新特点。

    Finally , the paper describes the features of sericulture and mulberry books and shows some new ones of those books during that period .

  8. 王祯《农书》是中国第一部全局性的农书,在农史上占有重要地位。

    The " agricultural book " of Wang Zhen , the first book on farming with whole faces , occupies the significant position in the agricultural history .

  9. 元朝王祯的《农书》,是《齐民要术》以来最完备的农业知识百科全书。

    A Book of Agriculture ty by Wang Zhen in the Yuan Dynasty is the most perfect encyclopedia about agriculture since the u Qi Min Yao Shu ty .

  10. 由于高丽时代以前的农书尚未发现,我们几乎不可能确切了解朝鲜半岛三国时代的农业技术和农业状态;

    As agricultural books before Korea Dynasty has been found , it is almost impossible to see the agricultural techniques and realities of the period of the Three Kingdoms .

  11. 明末清初《补农书》具有划时代的意义,是探究历史时期的具体的经营方式的重要史料,它反映了农业生产经营结构转变过程中经营地主经营方式转变的过程。

    The book Bulongshu published in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty has epoch significance and is a valuable literature for the study of the operation patterns in history .

  12. 第四章:主要农业标准述要。分别从农田水利和古代农书两方面集中论述了古代农业标准的突出成就。

    Chapter IV Description of the Important Agricultural Standards Achievements about agricultural standards in ancient China were discussed from the aspects of irrigation and water conservancy and ancient agronomical works , respectively .

  13. 明末清初江南作物栽培与灾害防治问题&以《补农书》为中心

    The Problem of Crop-cultivating and Disaster Preventing-controlling in Jiangnan From the End of Ming Dynasty to the Beginning of Qing Dynasty & A Study Focusing on Supplement to the Book on Agriculture

  14. 本文以道光至光绪年间农书创作高潮为引导,以蚕桑类农书为例,进行了数量比较。

    This paper focuses on the climax of agricultural works between Emperor Daoguang and Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty and takes the sericulture and mulberry works as an example , comparing each quantity .

  15. 传统农书中有大量天文术数内容,在这方面《四时纂要》是一个典型。

    A great deal of astronomical and divinatory content can be found in ancient Chinese agricultural treatises , of which the Outline of the Four Seasons ( Sishi Zuanyao ) is an example .

  16. 通过农学思想与农学知识两方面的考察,本文认为《齐民要术》之后的几部大型农书与儒家文化的关系存在着与《齐民要术》相类似的情况。

    Through the study of the farming idea and farming knowledge , we find the relationships between the other farming books and the Confucianism are also like the instance of Qi Min Yao Shu .

  17. 陕西古农书在我国农业遗产宝库中占有光彩夺目的地位,见诸古籍目录者约37种,现存28种。

    Ancient farming books of Shaanxi occupy a brilliant place in the agricultural heritage of China . As many as 37 kinds of them , among which 28 kinds are extant , can be found in the library catalogue of ancient books .

  18. 书中援引古籍近200部,所引的重要农学著作如《泛胜之书》、《四民月令》等汉晋重要农书现已失传,因此后人只能从此书了解当时的农业运作。

    as well as remedies for barren land.The book quoted nearly 200 ancient books.Important agricultural books such as Fansheng Zhishu and Simin Yueling from the Han and Jin Dynasties are now lost , so future genera-tions can only understand the operation of agriculture at the time from this book.Since the publication of the book ,

  19. 本文以此为题讨论了王祯的图学思想,《农器图谱》的主要内容,王祯《农书》图学成就及其现代意义。

    This paper discusses the thoughts of atlas by Wang Zhen , main contents of farming instruments and the achievements and implications for modern Farming .