
  1. g家族的任何一种菌类;外形上象马勃菌,其外部的包被分裂成星状。

    Any fungus of the family Geastraceae ; in form suggesting a puffball whose outer peridium splits into the shape of a star .

  2. 关于对称点成星像的函数类

    On the classes of functions starlike with respect to symmetry points

  3. 所以我们有聚集在星系中的星星和聚集成星团的星系。

    So we have stars grouped together in galaxies and galaxies grouped together in clusters .

  4. 它们相互的引力把它们约束成星系,每一个(星系)都是一个复杂的运动恒星集团。

    Their mutual gravity binds stars into galaxies , every one a complex swarm of moving stars .

  5. 我们回头想一想他们一定就能成就成名、成星之路吗?

    We turn head to consider them certain can achieve establish a reputation and become the road of the star ?

  6. 命S■~表示关于对称点成星像的函数类。

    Let S_s ~ ( A , B ) be the certain class of functions starlike with respect to symmetric points .

  7. 中枢将由组态成星型拓朴结构的光纤电缆组成,以支持本通信与数据系统原理中所述的所有通信系统。

    The backbone will consist of fiber optic cable configured in a star topology to support all communication systems as described in this Communication and Data Systems Philosophy .

  8. 在他与斯坦利·库布里克合写的《2001:太空漫游》(1968)中,人猿进化成了星孩。

    In " 2001 : A Space Odyssey "( 1968 ), which he co-wrote with Stanley Kubrick , ape-man evolved into Star Child .

  9. Ⅱ型超新星释放能量很可能与内部收缩成中子星和产生脉冲星联系在一起,而Ⅰ型超新星爆发将整个恒星毁掉不留下致密天体。

    The energy release in Type ⅱ supernovae is presumably related to the contraction of the core to a neutron star and pulsar , while Type ⅰ supernovae leave no compact remnant .

  10. 这篇论文指出,在某些超新星核心坍缩成中子星的过程中会放出多达1057个中微子。(每个发生坍缩的质子都会放出一个中微子。)

    It explains that during certain supernovae , the collapse ofa stellar core into a neutron star , 1057 neutrinos can be released ( one forevery proton in the star that collapses to become a neutron ) .

  11. 恒星的演化与核反应有关,演化到晚期的恒星一般要损失一部分质量,然后坍缩成致密星(白矮星、中子星或黑洞)。

    The evolution of fixed star having something to do with nuclear reaction , the star generally loses partial mass in its final period and finally collapses into compact star ( white dwarf , neutron star or black hole ) .

  12. 那个小孩把金属线弯曲成一个星状体。

    The child twisted the wire into the shape of a star .

  13. 五个女童子军站成南十字星的形状。

    Five Brownies stand in the position of the stars of the Southern Cross .

  14. 倒不是说她突然就成了异星飞船专家,但这是个光滑美丽的银白色物体,体积约莫跟大洋上的游艇差不多,形状也跟它最为相似。

    Not that she was suddenly an expert on extraterrestrial craft , but this was a sleek and beautiful silver and white thing about the size of a large ocean-going yacht , which is what it most resembled .

  15. 结论:在大鼠侧脑室外侧壁室管膜下区,成神经细胞和星型胶质细胞均可表达巢蛋白,侧脑室壁上的室管膜细胞也能表达巢蛋白。

    CONCLUSION : The neuroblast and astrocytes all express nidogen in subependymal region of lateral wall of lateral ventricle in rats .