
  • CALABASH BROTHERS;Gourd brother;Bottle gourd brothers
  1. 在《葫芦兄弟》系列中,七种不同颜色的葫芦从蒂部落下之后,神奇地变成了葫芦兄弟。

    In the series , seven different-coloured calabashes fall from their stems and magically transform into the brothers .

  2. 曾导演拍摄《长在屋里的竹笋》、《熊猫百货商店》、《猴子捞月》、《小熊猫学木匠》、《水鹿》、《葫芦兄弟》等十多部动画片。

    He has produced more than ten animations such as Panda Store , Ask for the Moon , Calabash Brothers , and The Little Panda Carpet etc.

  3. 在新闻发布会上,香港安乐影业总裁江志强表示,启动拍摄真人版《葫芦兄弟》是经过了慎重的考虑之后做出的决定。

    At the press conference , Bill Kong , president of Hong Kong-based Edko Films , promised that the remake had been decided upon after careful deliberation .

  4. 《葫芦兄弟》是中国“70后”、“80后”们的集体童年回忆的一部分。在听到了这一消息后,他们表示即兴奋又担忧。

    The animation is part of the collective memory of many fans who were born in the 1970s and 80sand they are both excited and anxious at the news .

  5. 一些中国观众最喜欢的动画角色,如阿凡提和葫芦兄弟很快将会在北京的中国木偶剧院上演真人秀。这些演出是中国木偶剧院和上海电影集团的最新合作。

    Some of Chinese people 's favorite animated characters , like " Avanti " and the " Gourd Brothers ," will soon be presented as live stage shows at Beijing 's China Puppet Theatre .

  6. 2月29日,上海电影集团与安乐电影公司在上海联合宣布,深受欢迎的国产系列动画片《葫芦兄弟》即将推出真人版电影。

    The popular Chinese animation TV series Calabash Brothers ( Hulu Xiongdi ) is set to become alive-action film , announced Shanghai Film Group Corporation and Edko Films at a joint pressconference in Shanghai on February 29 .

  7. 《葫芦兄弟》是上海电影集团于1986年推出的13集动画片,讲述了七个“葫芦娃”兄弟大战两个妖怪的故事,深受中国观众的喜爱。

    Known as " H ú luw á " among its many Chinese fans , the original 13-episode series was firstbroadcast in 1986 and follows the adventures of seven boys with super powers fighting two demonic spirits .