
  • 网络Liexian Zhuan;lie xian zhuan
  1. 刘向的《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》、《列仙传》等书是不是“小说”,学术界久有争论。

    For a long time , it has been a controversial issue that whether Liu Xiang s works of Xin Xu , Shuo Yuan , Lie Nu Zhuan , Lie Xian Zhuan are " novels " or not .

  2. 比起《列仙传》里的粗略描写来,《神仙传》则极力夸张仙人的神秘能力和神通变化,描写了许多学仙成功的人物。

    Unlike those glancing description in , the latter exaggerated the mysterious power and theurgy of celestial being , describing many successful immortal figures .