
liè quē
  • Lieque;lightning
列缺 [liè quē]
  • [lightning] 指闪电。列,通裂,分裂。缺,指云的缝隙。电气从云中决裂而出,故称列缺

  • 列缺霹雳。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

列缺[liè quē]
  1. 合谷组与列缺组差异显著(P<0.05);

    Hegu group and Lieque group had significant difference ( p < 0.05 );

  2. 列缺:太阴之络穴,联络大肠经,通任脉,可宣肺气,治疗与之联系的各经疾病,组合运用,变化无穷。

    Lieque : lunar the contact point , contact the large intestine through , pass Ren , can Xuanfei gas , after treatment of the diseases associated with it , combined use of endless variations .

  3. 列缺穴对椎动脉血流动力学影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Point Lieque on Vertebroarterial Hemodynamics

  4. 针刺列缺穴对脑血管影响的研究

    Effect of Acupuncture of Lieque ( LU 7 ) Points on Blood Vessels of Brain

  5. 结果:(1)患者组列缺穴导电量数值低于正常组(P<005);

    Results ( 1 ) Electrical conduction volume on Lieque ( LU 7 ) in the patient group was lower than that in the healthy group ( P < 0 05 );

  6. 方法:80例原发性痛经患者与80例健康女性作为受试者,在月经来潮第1日测量双侧列缺、公孙穴导电量。

    Methods Electrical conduction volume on bilateral Lieque ( LU 7 ) and Gongsun ( SP 4 ) were determined at the first day of menstruation in 80 cases of primary dysmenorrhea and 80 healthy women .