
liè xí huì yì
  • Attend meetings as nonvoting delegates;attend a conference without voting rights
  1. 即使不在其研究专题范围之内,人们也可以列席会议。

    People can sit in on meetings , even if it 's not really in their subject area .

  2. 市长罗恩·怀特是列席会议主持人,他也希望布鲁瑟能够继续留在图书管里。

    Mayor Ron White , a nonvoting council moderator , also wants Browser to stay .

  3. 世卫组织所有会员国的代表团均列席会议,重点关注执行委员会编制的特定卫生议程。

    It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board .

  4. 有关的专门委员会审议法律案时,可以邀请其他专门委员会的成员列席会议,发表意见。

    In the course of deliberation , the relevant special committee may invite members of other special committees to the session to give comments .

  5. 行政长官认为必要时可邀请有关人士列席会议。

    The Chief Executive may , as he or she deems necessary , invite other persons concerned to sit in on meetings of the Council .

  6. 中央纪律检查委员会委员列席会议。教师允许有一名学生列席他们的会议。

    Members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection ( CCDI ) were also present . The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting .

  7. 会议开始前及结束后,记者可在人民大会堂东门外台阶下及大礼堂外进行采访活动,可在人民大会堂北大厅东侧的指定区域采访列席会议的国务院各部委负责人。

    Before and after the session , journalists may conduct interviews in the area below the steps out of the East Entrance , or the area outside of the Grand Auditorium of the Great Hall of the People .

  8. 列席维也纳会议的PFC能源谘询公司分析师阿卡迪说,如有必要欧佩克会重新考虑这个决定。

    Raad Alkadiri , an analyst for PFC Energy who sat on the sidelines at the Vienna meeting , says OPEC will review the decision again if necessary .

  9. 虽然他没有选举权,但让他列席了会议。

    Though he had no vote , he was allowed to sit in on the conference .

  10. 管理人应当列席债权人会议,向债权人会议报告职务执行情况,并回答询问。

    The manager shall attend the creditors conference and report on its performance of duties and answer inquiries .

  11. 债务人的法定代表人必须列席债权人会议,回答债权人的询问。

    The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors ' meetings and answer the creditors inquiries .

  12. 出席全国对外宣传工作会议、全国文明办主任会议的代表列席了会议。

    Attended the meeting and the publicity work contents of the meeting of the representatives to attend the meeting .

  13. 必要时,可以邀请有关社会团体、企业和知识产权专业服务机构列席联席会议。

    Where necessary , relevant social groups , enterprises and professional intellectual property service institutions may be invited to attend the Joint Meeting as nonvoting delegates .

  14. 党的十七大代表中部分基层同志和专家学者也列席了会议。

    Some delegates to the17th CPC National Congress , including a few from the grass roots and a few experts and scholars , also attended the meeting as non-voting delegates .

  15. 必要的时候,可以邀请驻在本村的企业、业单位和群众组织派代表列席村民会议。

    When necessary , representatives of the enterprises , institutions and mass organizations located in the village may be invited to attend the villagers assembly without the right to vote .

  16. 经理列席董事会会议。

    The manager is present at meetings of the Board of directors .

  17. 教师允许有一名学生列席他们的会议。

    The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting .

  18. 如果你能列席我们的会议我们将很高兴。

    We 'll be glad if you can come to attend our meeting .

  19. 经理列席董事会会议。各国议会联盟理事会

    The manager is present at meetings of the Board of directors . Inter-Parliamentary Council

  20. 在加入的方式上,中国可以先以观察员的身份列席八国首脑会议,等待合适时机,再正式加入。

    China may attend Eight-power Summit meeting as an observer first and wait for a suitable opportunity to join G8 .

  21. 列席管理层会议并没有产生成本,但这种个人展示可能会改变你的职业生涯。

    There 's no cost associated with being a fly on the wall , and the exposure can be career-changing 。

  22. 列席上合组织会议的国家包括伊朗、阿富汗和巴基斯坦,这些国家可以参加会议,但是在表决时没有投票权。

    The Shanghai Cooperation Organization 's observer states which can attend meetings but don 't vote on initiatives include Iran , Afghanistan and Pakistan .

  23. 村务监督机构成员向村民会议和村民代表会议负责,可以列席村民委员会会议。

    Members of a village affairs supervisory organ shall be responsible to the villagers'assembly or the villagers'representatives'assembly , and can observe the meetings of the villagers'committee .

  24. 事先经董事长和副董事长邀请,管理人员及公司其他雇员可以列席董事会会议的部分或全部。

    Management Personnel and other employees of the Company may attend all or part of any Board meeting at the invitation of the Chairman and Vice Chairman .

  25. 此前华盛顿曾数次尝试列席上合组织会议,不过都被回绝了。

    Washington was rebuffed in earlier attempts to sit in on meetings of the Shanghai group , whose members include Russia , China and Central Asian states .

  26. 监事可以列席董事会会议;总裁和董事会秘书未兼任董事的,应当列席董事会会议。

    The supervisors may be present at board meetings ; the president and the Secretary of the board of directors who are not concurrently acting as the directors shall be present at board meetings .

  27. 我获准列席一次行政会议。

    I was allowed to sit in on an executive meeting .

  28. 一些团员列席党支部的会议。

    Some of the League members sat in on the Party branch meeting .

  29. 这星期初,我们列席了产品评估会议。

    We sat in at the product evaluation meeting at the beginning of the week .

  30. 派观察员列席一个国际会议参观者细细察看展览会上的陈列品。

    Appoint observers to sit in on an international meeting The visitors spied the exhibits at the fair .