
  • 网络international investment Bank;IIB;N.M. Rothschild
  1. 国际投资银行已被责令在三个国家支付超过15亿美元的罚金。

    An international investment bank has been ordered to pay more than 1.5 billion dollars in penalities in three nations .

  2. 同时要借鉴国际投资银行的风险管理技术和经验,加强交流和沟通,并逐步与国际接轨;

    At the same time , we should use for reference technology and experience of International Investment Bank on risk management , reinforce intercourse and communication between Sino-Foreigns Securities Co.

  3. 从当前国际投资银行业的竞争特点看我国投资银行的发展

    Development . On The Development of Investment Bank in China INVESTMENT

  4. 中期而言,随着中国金融机构的成熟和基础设施的发展,中国将从伦敦那里收回国际投资银行业业务。

    In the medium term China will reclaim international investment banking business from London as its institutions and infrastructure mature .

  5. 这一争议受到国际投资银行的密切关注,这些银行势必赢得重大授权,帮助中国在海外证券市场管理这些资金。

    The debate is being closely monitored by global investment banks , which stand to win large mandates help China manage the money in offshore securities markets .

  6. 如何借鉴国际投资银行的财务运作,推动我国投资银行的发展,已成为我国经济发展中一个急迫的问题。

    We must make rapid progress in developing investment bank of China in terms of financial operation of international investment banks . It becomes an urgent problem in economic development of China .

  7. 正当几家国际投资银行努力游说,争取获得在中国市场的运营执照时,巴黎百富勤的经历突显出合资企业可能面临的困难。

    While several international investment banks are lobbying hard for licences to operate in the Chinese market , the experience of BNP Paribas Peregrine underlines the difficulties that joint ventures can face .

  8. 通过国际投资银行实务的历史演进过程,可以看出投资银行是金融市场的灵魂,是推动一国经济向前发展的发动机、是金融创新的先锋。

    Through the historical evolution process of international investment banking , it can be concluded that investment bank is the soul of the financial market . It pushes forward the economic development as a financial innovator .

  9. 在分析了我国投资银行监管的现状之后,结合国际投资银行业发展的趋势提出了完善我国投资银行业监管的建议和设想。

    On the basis of analyzing the present situation of China 's investment bank and combining the development tendency of international investment banking , the author proposes the suggestion and advice of improving China 's investment banking supervision and management .

  10. 因此,本文通过比较分析中外投资银行的收入结构及业务结构,在借鉴国际投资银行先进经验的基础上,对我国投资银行的创新做战略性探析。

    Therefore , through the comparative analyses on the income structure and business structure of sino-foreign investment banks , I propose , based on the reference to the advanced experience of foreign investment banks , a strategic discussion on business innovation of our country 's investment banks .

  11. 再者,中国加入WTO后,投资银行方面的竞争不仅来自国内投资银行之间,更重要的是来自国际著名投资银行方面的竞争。

    Moreover , after China entry into WTO , the competition is not only among the domestic investment banks , but also between domestic banks and the distinguished international banks .

  12. 国际顶尖投资银行历史悠久、实力雄厚,在发展过程中积累了丰富的人才管理经验。

    International top investment banks have long histories and strong strength . They have accumulated much human resource management experience during their development .

  13. 特色经营、核心能力与证券公司持续发展&从国际著名投资银行年报统计看证券公司发展

    Characteristic Operating , Core Capabilities and Sustainable Development of Security Industry & Analyzing Security Company Development by Analyzing Annual Statistical Report of Famous International Banks

  14. 投资银行的模式正发生不可逆转的改变,而美国银行最适合美林:它既不是财富管理公司也不是国际性投资银行。

    The investment banking model was changing irrevocably and BofA was the best fit for Merrill : it was not a force in wealth management or international investment banking .

  15. 而我国的投资银行除了在规模、业务等方面与国际顶尖投资银行有很大差距之外,在人才管理方面也很不成熟。

    But our domestic investment banks are inferior to those advanced investment banks in scale , business and some other aspects . What 's more , domestic investment banks are not mature in human resource management .

  16. 中美控股不仅拥有一大批海外归来及在国际著名投资银行总部工作过多年的专业人士,也有在中国金融体制改革过程中自己培养出来的专业人才。

    China and America holding company not only has large quantities of overseas returns and has worked many years professional in the international famous investment bank headquarters , also has the specialized talented person which own raises in the China monetary system reform process .

  17. 近几年来,在国际上投资银行逐渐与企业资本运营结合起来,并逐渐发展成为专门从事企业兼并、资金融通、资产重组、资产证券化顾问和中介业务的金融机构。

    In recent years , in the world market , investment banks have gradually involved with capital management in enterprises , and have become financial institutions which are specialized in enterprise merger , capital financing , assets reorganization , consultation for going public and agency businesses .

  18. 众多国际著名投资银行和商业银行在此次危机中关门倒闭,曾经辉煌得不可一世的金融翘楚受危机拖累,或被兼并,或报亏损,或被迫转行;甚至出现个别国家资不抵债、破产的情况。

    Many well-known international investment banks and commercial banks were confronted with close and collapse . The once dominant leaders were dragged down by the crisis , or were merged , or reported deficit , or were forced to switch , some little countries even confronted bankruptcy .

  19. 利用外资,特别是与国际超大型投资银行合作,对于四大资产管理公司处置不良资产具有战略意义。

    Utilizing foreign capital , especially cooperating with international supergiant investment banks , is of strategic importance to the disposal of bad assets by the four big asset management companies .

  20. 而券商的自有资金很少,尤其与国际知名的投资银行相比,差距很大,因此,券商必须通过拓展合法的融资渠道获得资金支持。

    But its capital is a little , especially comparing with the well-known investment banks in the world , so they can only obtain sufficient funds by expanding legal financing channels .

  21. 即使作为我国投行主体的证券公司,如果按照国际上对现代投资银行的定义严格要求,也有很多不够格。

    Many securities companies , as the man body of the investment banks , are not qualified according to the world standard and definition on modern investment bank .

  22. 国际经验证明,投资银行的兴盛繁荣,已成为衡量一个国家或地区市场经济发达程度的重要标志。

    It is proved by international practices that the development of Investment Bank has become a key standard to measure the Market economy in a certain country or region .

  23. 国有商业银行首次公开发行选择的全球协调人都是国际上著名的投资银行,对国有银行的成功发行和定价具有很大的帮助。

    The global coordinators chosen for initial public offering are all famous investment banks in the world , which can provide enamors help for initial public offering and pricing . 5 .

  24. 文章认为国际贸易和国际投资的发展是银行从事国际化经营的两个重要前提,也是加速银行业国际化进程的客观因素。

    In this chapter , the dissertation puts forward that the development of international trade and investment are the two important premises for banks to engage in international business and also the objective elements to accelerate the process of the banking internationalization .

  25. 自从70年代以来,随着国际经济一体化的发展和新技术革命的推动,国际上投资银行业得到了蓬勃的发展。

    Promoted by the economic globalization and the new technology revolution , the investment banking business has developed vigorously ever since the 1970s .