
  • 网络Lenin statue
  1. 就我的发现而言,除了列宁雕像这样细微的差别之外,俄罗斯的葡萄酒生产与其它任何地方的葡萄酒产业别无二致,耳熟能详的所见所闻几乎令我失望了。

    What I discovered is that , give or take a statue of Lenin , Russian wine production is remarkably like wine production everywhere else , and what I saw was almost disappointingly familiar .

  2. 2014年,当列宁的雕像在乌克兰各地被推倒时,当2003年伊拉克Firdos广场上萨达姆·侯赛因的雕像被推倒时,许多年长的西方保守派人士欢欣鼓舞,而一些年轻的进步人士不太确定是否应该庆祝。

    When statues of Lenin were pulled down across Ukraine in 2014 , and when the Firdos Square statue of Saddam Hussein was pulled down in Iraq in 2003 , many older western conservatives rejoiced ; some younger progressives were less sure about celebrating .

  3. 听起来很符合逻辑,但是不管怎么说,“斧头与镰刀”的标志以及四处安放的列宁半身像以及雕像总是给人很奇怪的感觉。

    It sounded like a logical argument , but none-the-less it is strange to see the'hammer and sickle'and the busts and statues of Lenin everywhere .