
  • 网络Lenin in October
  1. 经济文化比较落后的国家如何建设社会主义,这是列宁在十月革命前后反复思考的问题。

    How the undeveloped establishes socialist country is the question that Lenin thought repeatedly before and after the October Revolution .

  2. 这就是为什么列宁在十月革命前夕曾说:不赶超先进资本主义国家,毋宁死。殊不知这些死去的非尼安会员的墓葬都在爱尔兰,不自由的爱尔兰将永无宁日。

    That is why Lenin said on the eve of the October Revolution - 'Either perish , or overtake and outstrip the advanced capitalist countries . they have left us our Fenian dead , and while Ireland holds these graves , Ireland unfree shall never be at peace .

  3. 列宁在十月革命前预言:这将是自由的文学,因为把批又批新生力量吸引到文学队伍中来的,不是私利食欲,也不是名誉地位,而是社会主义思想和对劳动人民的同情。

    The great guider of the October revolution Lenin prophecy : ' it will be a free literature , because the new forces are brought to literature . ' It is not from the team to gain reputation and appetite , but socialist ideology and sympathy with the working people .