- Shirtless;barebacked;bare backed

[bare backed] 同赤背
The child was bare to the waist .
Chatroulette which randomly and anonymously connects the webcams of shirtless young men around the world is the latest website darling .
The 39-year-old actor was joined by a pal for his afternoon swim in the South of France .
I had never before seen him stripped , and he sight of his body quite took my breath away .
Free the Nipple advocates also argue that women can be as attracted to shirtless men as men can be to shirtless women .
He stepped down in February after a gossip website posted shirtless pictures he had sent to a woman he had met on Craigslist .
Salman 's physique is inspirational for many , and he is famous for taking for taking his shirt off , in movies and during shows .
All of which , you might think , would mean a hugely competitive market with schools in a bare-knuckle fight to enrol the best students .
Journeymen armorers glanced up from their hammers and tongs just long enough to wipe the sweat from their brows , while bare-chested apprentice boys worked the bellows .
Wang Xianghong was working without his top on at a market in Taipei , Taiwan , when he was snapped by a customer.The image was shared on social media and quickly gathered interest 。
His voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome , graceful , and half-naked young man appeared , bearing a fowl in a silver dish on his head , without the assistance of his hands .