
chì bó
  • Shirtless;barebacked;bare backed
赤膊 [chì bó]
  • [bare backed] 同赤背

赤膊[chì bó]
  1. 那孩子打赤膊。

    The child was bare to the waist .

  2. chatroulette是最近备受追捧的一个网站,它以随机和匿名的方式,把世界各地赤膊男青年的网络摄像头连接起来。

    Chatroulette which randomly and anonymously connects the webcams of shirtless young men around the world is the latest website darling .

  3. 裘德洛身着黄色艳丽小短裤在法国的圣特洛佩的私人俱乐部赤膊游泳。这位39岁的演员被拍到在法国南部和朋友一起游泳。

    The 39-year-old actor was joined by a pal for his afternoon swim in the South of France .

  4. 我从前从来没有看见他赤膊,现在一看见他的身体使我惊讶不已。

    I had never before seen him stripped , and he sight of his body quite took my breath away .

  5. “解放上半身”的拥护者还提出,女人能被赤膊的男人吸引,男人同样也可以被赤膊的女人吸引。

    Free the Nipple advocates also argue that women can be as attracted to shirtless men as men can be to shirtless women .

  6. 他之所以于二月下台,是因为一个绯闻网站张贴出了他的赤膊照片,他曾经将这些照片发给在“克雷格清单”(一个网上免费分类广告网站)上认识的一个女人。

    He stepped down in February after a gossip website posted shirtless pictures he had sent to a woman he had met on Craigslist .

  7. 萨勒曼的体质很多灵感,他是抽取其打赤膊,在电影和节目期间到著名。

    Salman 's physique is inspirational for many , and he is famous for taking for taking his shirt off , in movies and during shows .

  8. 你可能会认为,所有这些都意味着这是一个竞争异常激烈的市场,为招收最优秀学生,各个学校彼此赤膊相见。

    All of which , you might think , would mean a hugely competitive market with schools in a bare-knuckle fight to enrol the best students .

  9. 铁匠工头抬头瞄了一眼,只来得及抹抹额际汗珠,便又继续挥舞铁锤和钳子,打着赤膊的学徒则努力鼓动风炉。

    Journeymen armorers glanced up from their hammers and tongs just long enough to wipe the sweat from their brows , while bare-chested apprentice boys worked the bellows .

  10. 他的名字叫王翔宏,因在台北的一个水果市场赤膊工作期间,被客户拍到并上传到朋友圈后,这组照片便迅速走红于网络。

    Wang Xianghong was working without his top on at a market in Taipei , Taiwan , when he was snapped by a customer.The image was shared on social media and quickly gathered interest 。

  11. 他这句话的回声还在甬道里回荡未绝,一个英俊、和蔼、赤膊的年轻人便出现了,他头顶着一只银盘走过来,并不用手去抹,银盘里盛着一只鸡。

    His voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome , graceful , and half-naked young man appeared , bearing a fowl in a silver dish on his head , without the assistance of his hands .