
  • 网络Chicheng County;Chicheng
  1. 基于遥感和GIS的水土流失动态监测&以河北省赤城县为例

    Dynamics of water and soil loss based on remote sensing and GIS : A case study in Chicheng County of Hebei Province

  2. 赤城县以及几个县的交界地区土地利用变化最剧烈。

    Spatial analyses indicate that land use changes are greater in Chicheng County and in the bordering areas of several counties than in other areas .

  3. 赤城县金矿含氰废水不用碱氯处理再利用的实践

    Practice of reusing cyanide-bearing effluent without alkaline treatment in Chi-Cheng County Gold Mine

  4. 本文以张家口市赤城县的情况为例,论述流域生态补偿与地区经济发展的关系问题。

    This paper through the example of Red City County from Zhangjiakou City , discuss the relationship between ecological compensation of valley and economic development of regions .

  5. 赤城地方小戏,源于赤城县白草乡马栅子村,2008年已申报为世界非物质文化遗产。

    Chicheng local short plays , from Chicheng County Rural Ma baicao Village Gate in2008 , has been declared as the world 's intangible cultural heritage .