
  • Red Cliff;Chibi;Red Wall;a-BaQiu
赤壁 [chì bì]
  • [Chibi] 传为中国古代著名的赤壁之战遗址,位于湖北省蒲圻县西北

  1. 2008年7月11日作者:MaggieLee摘自:《好莱坞报道》作为重现公元208年赤壁之战——中国历史上最有名的军事壮举——的首部力作,吴宇森拍摄的电影《赤壁》是一个泛亚工程项目,足以用“丰碑”一词加以形容。

    July 11 , 2008 By Maggie Lee HONG KONG -- As the first film to re-create the 208 A.D. Battle of Chibi , the most famous military feat in Chinese history , John Woo 's " Red Cliff " is a Pan-Asian project with the word " monumental " written all over it .

  2. 目的论视角下看《赤壁》的字幕翻译策略

    Strategies for Translating Subtitles of Red Cliff under Skopos Theory

  3. 时夜将半,四顾寂寥。(苏轼《后赤壁赋》)

    It was nearing midnight and all around was still .

  4. 纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。(苏轼《前赤壁赋》)

    We let our boat float along , sailing over the vast expanse .

  5. 舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空。(苏轼《前赤壁赋》)

    The fleet from stem to stern covered a thousand li , | its pennons and banners filled the sky .

  6. 人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。(苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》)

    Life is like a dream . | yet with this cup of wine , let me pour a libation to the moon on the river .

  7. 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。(苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》)

    As my spirit wanders to the ancient kingdom , | you may well laugh at me for being so sentimental , | and growing grey hair so soon !

  8. 现在每个人都能想象出赤壁和家人生活在一个怎样遥远而孤独的地方。

    Now everybody could imagine exactly the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family .

  9. 每个人的思想都飘到了遥远的山腰,赤壁可能就是从那里来上学的。

    Everybody 's mind was taken to the far mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school .

  10. 我们每个人都哭了,想着这么多年来我们对赤壁有多么不好。

    Every one of us cried , thinking how much we had been wrong to Chibi all those long years .

  11. 赤壁在喉咙深处发出非常特别的声音来模仿老树末端上乌鸦的声音。

    Chibi made very special sounds deep down in his throat to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end .

  12. 但是,当赤壁出现在当年的才艺表演舞台上时,没有人能相信自己的眼睛。

    But , when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year , no one could believe his eyes .

  13. 接着,伊泽比先生解释了赤壁是如何学会发这些声音的——日出时离家上学,日落时回家,六年来每天如此。

    Then Mr Isobe explained how Chibi had learned those calls -- leaving his home for school at sunrise , and arriving home at sunset , every day for six long years .

  14. 基于GIS技术的赤壁市城区土地定级研究

    The Study of Chibi City 's Urban Land Grading Based on GIS

  15. 嵌入式Linux在赤壁粮库监控系统中的应用

    Application of Embedded Linux in Monitor System for Chibi Grain Storehouse

  16. 赤壁市旅游市场发展的SWOT分析

    The analysis of SWOT about tourism market of Chibi

  17. 基于Kriging空间插值法的赤壁市城区基准地价评估研究

    A Study on Evaluation of the Benchmark Land Price in Chibi City Based on Kriging Interpolation

  18. 尊重历史是欣赏古代文学作品的基础,欣赏《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》尤其需要尊重历史。

    Esteeming history is the foundation of appreciating the ancient literatures .

  19. 赤壁市污水处理厂设计投资管理研究

    Research on Design and Investing Management of Chibi Sewage Treatment Plant

  20. 赤壁市生态旅游资源特色与开发

    The Features and Development of Eco tourist Resources in Chibi City

  21. 三国周郎赤壁的审美存在

    The Aesthetic Existence of Hero Zhou and ChiBi of the Three Kingdoms

  22. 赤壁是三国古战场遗址。

    Red Cliff is the site of three ancient battlefields .

  23. 船(舰)载炮远距离直瞄射击研究火烧赤壁时间考

    Firing of Shipboard SPG Textual Research on the Time of Firing ChiBi

  24. 赤壁古战场历史地理研究

    A Historical Geographic Study of the Ancient Chi Bi Battlefield

  25. 《前赤壁赋》解析中有待商榷的几个问题

    Several Problems Awaiting Discussion in Analysis of Fu on the Former Red Cliff

  26. 赤壁战役时间考论

    A Study on The Time of ChiBi Battle

  27. 第二部分简单介绍了赤壁路小学本色+特色的整体教育管理模式。

    The second part studies the integral education administration system of Chibi Road primary school .

  28. 从《前赤壁赋》看汉语典故的英译

    On the English Version of Chinese Allusions in " Fu on the Red Cliff "

  29. 我拍《赤壁》只是为了吴宇森,因为他告诉我(这部电影)是他的梦想。

    I just did it for John when he told me it was his dream .

  30. 山水图像与地域人文历史&以赤壁图为例

    Landscape Image and Areal Humanities History & Take the Case of " Chibi Image "