
  • 网络Shangyi County
  1. 尚义县土地利用变化及可持续利用研究

    Research on Land Use Change and Sustainable Use in Shangyi County

  2. 河北省尚义县农村家庭教育投资行为研究

    A Study of Rural Education Investment at Shangyi County in Hebei Province

  3. 本文运用定性分析,图表分析、灰色关联度分析、AHP层次分析、纵横比较相结合的方法对尚义县农业结构调整进行了研究。

    This paper uses the qualitative analysis , diagram analysis , grey relevancy degree analysis , AHP analysis and lengthwise and crosswise comparison analysis together .

  4. 在农业产业结构调整中,运用AHP层次分析法确定尚义县农业主导产业,并提出产业结构调整的重点是发展优质农业和特色农业,大力发展草畜业,注重发展农产品加工业;

    During the industry structure adjustments , we use the AHP analysis to choose the leading industries , and bring up the key points which including developing high grade and distinguishing planting , grass and pasturage and agricultural products processing .

  5. 河北省尚义县土地资源可持续利用对策

    Research on sustainable use and protective measures of land resources of Shangyi County

  6. 新阶段尚义县农业结构调整研究

    Research on Adjustment of the Agricultural Structure of Shangyi County in the New-stage

  7. 尚义县气候资源生产潜力及其耕地人口承载力研究

    Study on potential productivity of climatic resource and population supporting capacity of cropland in Shangyi county

  8. 尚义县气候独特,土地辽阔,草地资源、旅游资源丰富,水资源短缺,劳动力资源过剩,是国家级贫困县。

    There are unique climate and vast land here , abundant grassland and tourism resources , excess labor resource , and deficient water resource .

  9. 尚义县位于坝上地区西北部,是坝上各县的一个典型代表,长期陷入生态退化与经济低水平发展的恶性循环中难以自拔。

    Shangyi county locate in the northwest of Bashang plateau , as a representative county in Bashang , now faces two major tasks of developing the economy and improving the ecological .

  10. 采用此新工艺,已在河北尚义县粮油加工厂建立了胡麻胶提取车间,顺利实现连续的工业化生产。

    A workshop for extraction of flaxseed gum by this process has been set up at grain and oil processing plant in Shangyi county , Hebei . Therefore , commercial scale production with this process has been realized .

  11. 尚义县地处河北省西北部,属农牧交错带的中段,地处首都上风、上水地带,是首都经济圈生态治理的重要生态治理县。

    Shangyi County lies in the northwest of Heibei province , in the middle of farming-pastoral zone . It is an important ecological county to the capital 's environment since it lies in the upper hand of wind and water of the capital .