
shàng wǔ jīng shén
  • Martial spirit;militarism;encourage a military spirit
尚武精神[shàng wǔ jīng shén]
  1. 一些国家的尚武精神扩展到日常生活中。

    The militarism of some countries extends into daily life .

  2. 从尚武精神看北方少数民族文化对中原文学的影响

    A Look at Northern Minority Culture 's Influence on Central Plains ' Literature from Militarism

  3. 在这个体系中,尚武精神占据了极为重要的地位。

    The martial spirit plays an import role in this system .

  4. 简论梁启超的民族尚武精神

    On Liang Qichao 's Advocacy of National Martial Spirit

  5. 无论是从文献或是考古来看,巴人的尚武精神极为浓郁强烈,其中一个重要原因就在于巴人对体育的高度重视。

    Based on the historical documents and archaeological data , it is well recognized that the Ba people has intense military spirits .

  6. 武术作为中华民族传统文化的代表,在其漫长的历史发展过程中,孕育了中华民族几千年永盛不衰的尚武精神。

    On the behalf of traditional culture of Chinese nation , the Martial Art was pregnant with unfading militarism during endless historic development .

  7. 唐初尚武精神的普遍存在为讲武的顺利进行提供了相应的时代背景并促进了盛唐帝国的形成。

    The popularity of martial spirit in early Tang Dynasty provides the corresponding background of times for military parade and promotes the foundation of the resplendent Tang Dynasty later .

  8. 罗马人虽然背叛了古希腊体育文化的游戏意识,但继承了希腊人的尚武精神,推翻罗马帝国的日尔曼人,接受了基督教的感化,但并没有溟灭飙悍天性。

    The Roman rebelled against the playing intention of the old Greece sports culture , but inherit the Greek martial spirit , and overturned Germanic people and accepted Christianity .

  9. 假如中国人不被煽动尚武精神,那他们一定会创造出一种新的更加灿烂的文明。这种新文明将比我们西方人现在所能创造出的任何文明更令人神往。

    If they are not goaded into militarism , they may produce a genuinely new civilization , better than any that we in the West have been able to create .

  10. 在新的历史时期,积极倡导霍元甲的尚武精神,对促进中国武术事业的发展,振奋民族精神,发扬中华民族优良传统都有着积极的现实意义。

    In modern times , to advocate Huo 's sublime spirit on martial arts is significant in promoting the development of martial arts , cheering up the national spirit and developing Chinese national tradition .

  11. 本文从尚武精神、乐观幽默、追求自由三个方面论述了维吾尔族传统对贯云石创作所产生的深刻影响。

    From the following three aspects : the martial spirit , the optimism and humor , the pursuit of freedom , this paper discusses the very influence of Uygur minority 's tradition on his writings .

  12. 进而认为:尚武是精神为立国第一基础。

    And then thought : " setting great store by military affairs or martial arts is the spirit to found a state on the first foundation " .

  13. 于右任所以喜欢魏碑,是因为魏碑有“尚武”精神,有粗犷豪放之气。

    The reason that Yu developed a love for Northern Wei stone tablets is that the style encourages a valiant spirit through their bold and vigorous style .

  14. 尚武的体育精神与商业文化、科学技术、开明政治等因素共同作用,推动着西方社会走上现代化的道路。

    The martial spirit promoted the western society to modernization by affecting with commercial culture , science and technique , and enlightened politics .

  15. 第三章,通过分析尚武内涵,认为受农耕生活和传统教化的影响,汉民族文化有任侠精神而无尚武精神。

    After analyzing the specific connotation of militarism , I thought there was no martial spirit but chivalrous spirit in Chinese culture because Chinese culture had been deeply influenced by agricultural life style and traditional moral education .