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  1. 中国正在提议形成一个国际多边科技合作机制来促进清洁可再生能源的发展。这是科技部副部长尚勇星期二(9月18日)在北京举行的国际太阳能大会上宣布的。

    China is proposing an international multilateral science and technology cooperation scheme to hasten development of clean renewable energies .

  2. 科技部副部长尚勇表示,许多国家都对这个合作项目非常感兴趣,包括美国、日本和新加坡。

    The scheme has already attracted countries including the United States , Japan and Singapore , says Shang Yong , vice minister of science and technology .

  3. 科技部副部长尚勇说,根据不端行为的严重程度,禁令将从“一年到永远”不等。

    The ban will last " between one year and forever " depending on the gravity of the misconduct , said Shang Yong , vice minister of science and technology .

  4. 科技部副部长尚勇7月10日在接受新华社记者采访时表示,科技部将建立明晰的科研资金的问责问效机制。

    Shang Yong , vice-minister of science and technology , told Xinhua news agency on Monday ( 10 July ) that the ministry would also clarify the responsibilities of people involved in reviewing funding .