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  • 网络Zhu Jun;mester
  1. 以朱军提出的混合模型方法,采用亲本、F1、F23个世代,分析大豆异黄酮含量的胚效应、细胞质效应和母体效应。

    Five parents and their F_1 , F_2 were used to analyze embryo effect , cytoplasm effect and maternal gene effect on isoflavone content of soybean by the mixed genetic model proposed by Zhu ( 1997 ) .

  2. 大豆农艺性状和产量性状属数量性状遗传,本研究以不完全双列杂交组合为材料,以朱军(1997)提出的混合模型方法分析大豆形态和产量性状的加性、显性和上位遗传效应。

    Yield and morphological traits of soybean are quantitative genetics .

  3. 朱军这时举起右手,用食指和中指做出剪东西的动作。

    Zhu then lifted his right hand and made scissoring movements with his first two fingers .

  4. 另一则春晚工作人员透露的消息也证明朱军仍在主持人之列。

    Another source from the gala crew also claimed that Zhu will remain in the hosting group .

  5. “这是给深圳市民的一个节日礼物,”大桥工程的电气工程师朱军说。

    " It 's a holiday gift for the citizens ," said Zhu Jun , electric engineer of the bridge .

  6. 它们从不同角度丰富了朱军关于有限套代数上的在零点广义可导的线性映射的结论。

    They enrich Zhu 's conclusion about the generalized derivable mappings at zero point on finite nest algebras from different methods .

  7. 他的理想是成为像朱军一样的主持人或像郭德纲一样的相声演员。

    He is aspired to be a talk show host , like Zhu Jun , or a Chinese standup comedian , like Guo Degang .

  8. 同时还提到曾连续在这个舞台上连续主持了17年的朱军今年将退出春晚舞台。

    It is also said that host Zhu Jun , who has appeared on this stage for 17 consecutive years , will withdraw from the show this year .

  9. 现在申花支付这笔工资的老板,朱军撤出了这笔钱,于是申花没有能力支付这些费用。

    Now Zhujun who is person who is paying the wage here withdraws that money , there is no way that Shenhua be able to cover those costs .

  10. 以1998年和1999年南方水稻区域试验早籼早中熟组的数据为资料,采用朱军等[1,2]提出的统计分析方法分析产量、生育期、米质和抗性等性状的基因型×环境互作。

    The genotype by environment interaction was analyzed for early indica rice in 1998 and 1999 in southern China regional trial with the methods by Zhu Jun et al .

  11. 主持了15届央视春晚的朱军在《我的零点时刻》一书中写道:在这个特殊的夜晚,对于大多数中国人而言,看春晚更像是一种习惯。

    Zhu Jun , who hosted the gala for 15 years , said in his book My Midnight Moment : It is more like a habit for most Chinese people on that special night .

  12. 主持了15届央视春晚的朱军在《我的零点时刻》一书中写道:“在这个特殊的夜晚,对于大多数中国人而言,看春晚更像是一种习惯。”

    Zhu Jun , who hosted the gala for 15 years , said in his book My Midnight Moment : " It is more like a habit for most Chinese people on that special night . "