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  1. 得知黄西接受了他们的邀请后,刘宇非常兴奋。

    Liu is excited that Huang has accepted the invitation .

  2. 他几乎跟刘宇一样强。

    He 's close to yulaw 's strength .

  3. 搜狐公司人事经理刘宇表示,他理解年轻学生迫切想要展示激情和能力的心情。

    Liu Yu , an HR manager at Sohu . com , says he understands young students ` eagerness to show their passion and ability .

  4. 接下来,刘宇和团队成员计划进行新的随机对照试验,以确定不同的中国传统运动形式对此类慢性病的具体功效。

    Next , Liu and his team planned to conduct new randomized controlled trials to confirm the effect of different types of traditional Chinese exercises on chronic diseases .

  5. 22岁的刘宇(音译)在位于珠海市的北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院就读,主修统计学专业。

    Liu Yu , 22 , is a student majoring in statistics at the United International College of Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University ( UIC ), in Zhuhai .