
  1. 香港在大陆企业的代表、香港工业总会副主席刘展灏(StanleyLau)说,工厂面临外国需求疲弱的问题。

    Stanley Lau , deputy chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries , which represents Hong Kong businesses in China , says factories face weak foreign demand .

  2. 刘展灏说:“我担心这种情况会得不到改善。”

    Says Lau : " I worry that the situation can 't be improved . "

  3. 刘展灏表示:如果你问工人‘想不想加薪’,那当然至少会有三分之一的工人回答‘想’。

    If you ask the workers ' Do you want to raise wages ', of course at least one-third will say yes .