
shàng shū
  • a high official in ancient China;minister;Shang Shu;minister (in the Ming and Qing dynasties)
尚书 [shàng shū]
  • [Shang Shu] 中国上古历史文件的汇编。尚即上,《尚书》意即上古之书。相传由孔丘编选而成,传本有些篇是后人追述补充进去的,如《尧典》、《皋陶谟》、《禹贡》等。西汉初存二十八篇,用当时通行文字书写,即《今文尚书》。另有相传汉武帝时在孔丘住屋壁中发现的《古文尚书》,已佚。东晋梅赜(一作梅颐、枚颐)又伪造《古文尚书》。后来《十三经》中的通行本,即《今文尚书》与梅氏伪书的合编,宋人开始怀疑梅氏伪书,至清渐成定论。今文各篇内容包含商周等代的一些重要史料,如《盘庚》反映商代奴隶社会的情况、《禹贡》记述战国时黄河、长江两流域的地理等

  • (1) [a high official in ancient China]∶中国古代官名。执掌文书奏章。作为官名,始置于战国时,或称掌书。秦为少府属官,汉武帝提高皇权,因尚书在皇帝左右办事,地位逐渐重要。后各朝均有设置,清代相沿不改

  • 侍中、尚书、长史、参军,此悉贞良死节之臣,愿陛下亲之信之。--三国蜀. 诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 上书乞骸骨,征拜尚书。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  • (2) [minister (in the Ming and Qing dynasties)]∶明清两代是政府各部的最高长官

  • 兵部尚书

尚书[shàng shū]
  1. 从嘉靖七年(1528年)明朝兵部尚书王琼总制三边、安辑东迁后的撒里畏兀儿诸部,至明、清之交。

    From 1528 to the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  2. 历史散文是中国小说的主要源头之一。《尚书》作为我国现存最早的历史散文集,其中后人拟托的伪古文《尚书》;

    Historical essays are the main source of the Chinese novel .

  3. 在第二节中,主要分析了《尚书》编年体式的特殊性。

    The second section discusses the special character of annalistic style mainly .

  4. 今文《尚书》判断句研究

    A Study of Judgment Sentence in Modern Language Shang shu

  5. 《尚书》是我国古代重要经典。

    ShangShu is an important ancient scripture in China .

  6. 第五章《尚书》记言部分的结构特征。

    The fifth chapter discusses the construction character of speech recording in Shang shu .

  7. 每部设尚书为最高长官,侍郎为辅助。

    The senior secretary of each ministry was called Shangshu and the assistant Shilang .

  8. 《尚书·盘庚》是研究盘庚之政的重要文献。

    Shangshu · Pangeng is the first-hand material to study politics of King Pangeng .

  9. 本文研究《今文尚书》周公话语的词汇。

    This article researches about the vocabulary of the words of Zhougong in JINWENSHANGSHU .

  10. 《尚书》是流传于今最为久远的一部历史文献汇编。

    Shang Shu is one of the remotest historic literature handed down from ancient times .

  11. 今文《尚书》的特殊句式和关联词语研究

    A Study on the Special Sentence Formula and the Conjunction Words in Jin Wen Shang Shu

  12. 高本汉《尚书》翻译所反映的中西文化差异。

    East-West Cultural Differences as Reflected in Bernhard Karlgren 's Translation of the Book of Documents .

  13. 《今文〈尚书〉动词语法研究》对其中的三价动词进行了穷尽性的研究和描写。

    An exhaustive study and thorough description have been given to the tri-basic verbs in my article .

  14. 为弄清中国古代教育思想发展的渊源与承继关系,不研究《尚书》是不行的。

    The study of ShangShu provides the sources and heritage necessary for understanding ancient Chinese educational thought .

  15. 进入汉代,《尚书》逐渐完成了由历史典籍向经世大典的转变。

    Shang shu finished the change from the history documents to the grand classics gradually in Han dynasty .

  16. 是皇帝御赐给陈家礼部尚书陈诜的妻子的。

    The emperor presented the plaque to Cha , the wife of Chen Shen , Minister of Rites .

  17. 特别是近年来出土文献的发现,《尚书》研究更加深入。

    Especially with the discovery of some unearthed documents , the research on the book gets to be deeper .

  18. 基于《金文资料库》的《尚书》文献用字研究(二)构建英美文学文化三源泉语料库改进文学教学

    On corpus construction of British and American literature and culture context " Three Sources " to improve literature teaching

  19. 惟天地,万物父母;惟人,万物之灵(《尚书·周书·泰誓》)

    Heaven and earth is the parent of all creatures ; and of all creatures man is the most highly endowed .

  20. 权力集中于尚书台,尚书台则直接听命于皇帝,这对皇帝的个人专制独裁起到重要作用,

    Then all the power was centralized in the imperial board of ministries , which took orders from the emperor directly .

  21. 盆地内古新统始新统为河流相沉积;笺注上古文献的新视角评《〈尚书〉新笺与上古文明》

    The Paleocene to Eocene inside the basin are fluvial sediments ; New Angles on Notes and Commentary of Ancient Documents ;

  22. 由于长期以来,人们对《尚书》史书性质与经学意义的强调与关注,在一定程度上消解了它的文学价值。

    The emphasis and focus on history and classics character debased the literature value to some extend in a long time .

  23. 同时,在疑古惑经风气之下,宋儒开始了对伪《古文尚书》的疑辨。

    At the same time , in the oppugn atmosphere , the Song Confucian started to question the " Classic Shangshu " .

  24. 这种句式在今文《尚书》却很常见,并且后来发展成为古代汉语语法的普遍规律。

    Such sentence pattern is regular in Jin Wen Shang Shu but later develops into a common law in ancient Chinese grammar .

  25. 第五章分三个时期说明农工商部领导层的变化、历任尚书管部的特点及其对部务的影响。

    The fifth chapter shows change of lead level by three periods and analyses characteristics of ministers of MAIC and their influence .

  26. 这样,他官越做越大,一直做到户部尚书兼御史大夫。

    Thus he rose higher and higher in officialdom till he became the Minister of Revenue and concurrently Imperial Law Enforcement Official .

  27. 中国古老的经典&《尚书》就“百姓昭明,协和万邦”的理想,主张和睦相处,友好往来。

    The Book of History , an ancient classic in China for example , advocates amity among people and friendly exchanges among nations .

  28. 从《尚书》可看出我国周代以前德治思想的演变轨迹。

    From Shang Shu , we can see the evolution of the idea of rule of virtue prior to Zhou Dynasty of China .

  29. “古《逸礼》”称“天子驾六马”,晚出的《古文尚书》、《易经》等隐约透露出古有此制。

    Ancient Yili claimed that the emperor drived six horses , Shangshu and the Book of Changes revealed indistinctly that six horse coach existed .

  30. 尚书台的地位提升,大臣们的章奏要由尚书进呈皇帝。

    The status of the Imperial Board of Secretaries was raised , for all the memorials to the throne would be submitted to the emperor by secretariats .