
  • 网络Mariupol
  1. 在俄美互相指责之际,有报道称,过去一周,乌克兰东部暴力事件重燃,尤其是在亚速海港口、钢铁城市马里乌波尔附近。

    The diplomatic finger-pointing came amid reports of a resurgence of violence in east Ukraine during the past week , particularly around the port and steel city of Mariupol on the Sea of Azov .

  2. 乌克兰和西方国家担心,俄罗斯支持的乌克兰武装力量可能会发动新的袭击,切断通过马里乌波尔的乌克兰出口,并意图修建一座连接俄罗斯和克里米亚的陆地桥。

    Kiev and western countries remain concerned that Russian-backed forces could launch a new assault to cut off Ukrainian exports through Mariupol and as part of attempts to create a land bridge linking Russia to Crimea .

  3. 周一,甚至在被降级之前,卢布就已经进一步走低,因为上周末乌克兰东部爆发冲突,马里乌波尔遭到火箭弹袭击,导致30人死亡。

    Further undermining the ruble on Monday , even before the downgrade , was a burst of fighting in eastern Ukraine over the weekend , resulting in the deaths of 30 people in a rocket attack on the city of Mariupol .

  4. 比赛在索契冬奥会冰球馆举行,赛前大家为周五在乌克兰马里乌波尔暴力事件中的遇害者进行了一分钟的默哀仪式。

    The game took place in the Sochi hockey arena that was built for this year 's Winter Olympics . Before the game began , a minute of silence was observed for the victims of violence on Friday in Mariupol , Ukraine .

  5. 俄罗斯表示,被派到乌克兰训练乌克兰军队的美国士兵执行的是城市地区攻击任务,行动不是发生在西部的利沃夫,而是直接出现在马里乌波尔地区的作战区域和乌克兰东部其他3个城镇。

    Moscow said US soldiers sent to Ukraine to train Ukrainian troops were doing so in assault operations in urban areas , and operating not in Lviv , in the west , but directly in the combat zone in the region of Mariupol and three other eastern towns .